Veterinary endoscopic surgery: features and benefits for animals

Minimally invasive surgery is a new word in animal treatment. Veterinary endoscopic surgery involves performing surgical interventions without cutting the skin.

The operation is performed with the help of an endoscope, a high-resolution optic. For example, Animal Clinic has innovative equipment - an endoscopic stand. It allows the surgeon to perform operations on various organs of the animal.

In what cases is endoscopic animal surgery required?

Surgery with an endoscope is an intervention that involves minimal trauma. Endoscopic surgery for animals is relevant when there are such needs:

  • To remove a foreign body from your pet's gastrointestinal tract, ear, or nose.
  • To treat joints.
  • To perform sterilization.
  • Remove a cyst or polyp.
  • Eliminate heart disease.

Endoscopic surgery in veterinary medicine is the preferred procedure: our specialists use this method whenever possible.

How is endoscopic surgery performed on an animal?

For endoscopic surgery, the patient is immersed in anesthesia. During the procedure, he or she is under the control of our experienced anesthesiologist and a system for monitoring vital signs.

The surgeon uses a rigid endoscope. This is a device that combines a whole set of lenses, a fiber optic light system and a metal tube. The endoscope functions in conjunction with a medical video camera and a xenon light source.

The surgeon inserts the device into the organ cavity, and the screen displays an image of the operated area with an excellent view due to high-quality lighting and multiple magnification. If the procedure involves the abdominal cavity, a small hole must be made to insert the device. This is laparoscopy, which means that the devices are inserted through artificial holes.

The second micro-incision is necessary for the introduction of a surgical instrument. It is with this instrument that the surgeon of our veterinary clinic performs the operation under visual control with the help of a monitor.

Recovery rate after endoscopy

Endoscopic surgery is a closed surgical intervention. This significantly reduces the recovery period after the operation. After the procedure, the patient quickly regains consciousness: within half an hour, when the anesthesia wears off. Your pet can go home on its own, and in a couple of hours it will be able to eat, drink, and play with you.

Benefits of endoscopic surgery for animals

Our veterinarians treat pets humanely, so they try to give preference to this type of intervention. It has many advantages:

  • Increase in the area to be operated by 30 times.
  • Infection of the surgical space is excluded, as internal organs do not come into contact with the external environment.
  • No risk of damaging neighboring organs or tissues.
  • The need to give the patient medications that can disrupt the functioning of internal organs is reduced.
  • Fast rehabilitation period. The animal becomes active almost immediately, does not require mobility restrictions and constant supervision.
  • The likelihood of complications after surgery is minimized.
  • Cosmetic effect. There are no traces of the procedure on the skin, which is especially important if your pet is short-haired, hairless, or participates in exhibitions.

The extensive experience of our veterinary clinic team and the use of modern endoscopic equipment guarantee that the required operation will be minimally traumatic and effective. Our professionals specialize in a wide range of interventions, and the cost of services is reasonable.

How to make an appointment for endoscopic surgery?

To make an appointment for endoscopic surgery in advance, call Animal Clinic at one of these numbers: (044) 344 17 03, (067) 501 82 39. Our administrator will make an appointment for you at the most convenient date and time.

Do you want to consult a surgeon beforehand and learn about all the nuances of endoscope surgery? Click here.

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