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Rules of admission to the network of Animal Clinic veterinary centers

Dear pet owners! All our work is aimed at preventing diseases and treating animals. To provide quality services and avoid queues, appointments are made by appointment. This allows us to better plan the working hours of veterinarians and to approach the problem of your animal more deeply.

General rules for visiting

  1. Veterinary appointments, diagnostic and manipulative procedures are made by appointment. In other cases, clinics cannot guarantee the availability of a free specialist at the time the owner needs.
  2. All veterinary services, supplies, and medications are paid for. Payment for the services and medicines provided by the veterinarian is made immediately after the appointment directly at the clinic, according to the price list, regardless of the outcome of the disease.
  3. Minors who come to the clinic with an animal are served only if accompanied by an adult. If the animal is in a critical condition and it is impossible to contact the adult owner, the animal will be provided with the first necessary assistance. All further treatment measures are carried out only in the presence of the adult owner of the animal.
  4. Explanations of the animal's condition, current treatment and any information about the patient are provided exclusively to the person who is registered and the owner. No information about the patient is provided to third parties.
  5. Information about postoperative animals is provided only by the surgeon or the doctor on duty.
  6. Inpatient treatment is provided only upon advance payment. The animal is discharged from the hospital and handed over to the owner only upon full payment.
  7. Patients in need of emergency care are served without a queue, and therefore the start time of appointments or operations may be changed.
  8. Pet owners who are more than 10 minutes late can be seen at the next available time for the doctor, free of appointments. Such clients may also be seen by another veterinarian.
  9. Before performing anesthesia, surgical interventions, before hospitalization of animals, it is necessary to sign a contract.
  10. Euthanasia of animals is carried out exclusively on medical grounds after examination by a doctor. The doctor has the right to refuse to perform euthanasia.
  11. Cats should be in carriers; Toy dogs - in hands, medium and large dogs - on a short leash before the visit to the doctor's office. Dogs that may show aggression must be muzzled to ensure the safety of others.
  12. If the animal is not socialized, aggressive, the owner is obliged to notify the administrator and the doctor before the examination.
  13. Responsibility for the behavior of the animal and for the safety of doctors lies with its owner. Fixation of animals is carried out exclusively by the clinic staff.
  14. If the animal is too aggressive and the owner does not control it, and the animal cannot be fixed, the doctor may suggest an examination under sedation. In case of impossibility to perform sedation procedure or in case the owner refuses to undergo sedation, the doctor has the right to refuse to provide services to the owner of this animal.
  15. The owner of the animal shall be liable for damages caused to the property of the clinic.
  16. The clinic reserves the right to refuse service in the following cases:
    • if the animal is not vaccinated against rabies;
    • if the animal is accompanied by a minor;
    • if the animal is accompanied by a person in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication;
    • the owner of the animal partially or completely fails to comply with the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor;
    • the owner intentionally provides false information about the animal's condition (disease, etc.);
    • the client refuses to sign the information specified in the animal's card, the document on consent to the operation, etc;
    • in case of debt.

Please remember that only together with you, through joint efforts, we will be able to provide your pet with quality care, get the desired result and do everything possible to keep your pet healthy.

Remember that the guarantee of your pet's well-being is not only timely veterinary care, but also strict adherence to the treatment plan and doctor's recommendations!

Your pet's life and health are in your hands!

If you have any suggestions, questions, complaints, etc. You can contact the administration:
Igor Stepchenkov, Chief Physician of the ANIMAL CLINIC Ukraine and USA network
Director of ANIMAL CLINIC Ukraine and the USA - Olena Taran.

We are always open for a dialog!

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Любі клієнти!

We continue to provide services at prices formed before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, despite the increase $ exchange rate and the increase in the price of consumables and medicines for us by 2.5 times. All for the sake of victory!