How to get to VC Animal Clinic

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Driving by car:
Address: Ukraine, Kyiv, Darnytskyi district, street Prince Zaton, 9
GPS coordinates: 50.4021521363292 30.6245931186912 Visual landmark: in front of the NOVUS supermarket

Travel by public transport:
By shuttle buses (for example, №-459, 562, 220) from the metro station "Poznyaki", "Osokorki"

Nearest stops to Knyazhiy Zaton Street:
Street Sribnokilska is 194 meters away

Poznyaki Metro on foot - 850 meters
Osokorki Metro on foot - 1,200 meters


Driving by car:
Address: Ukraine, Kyiv, Pechersk district, 10/36 Maria Priymachenko br.
GPS-coordinates: 50.4203705555204, 30.545359131346256
Visual reference point: "FaunaHouse", Zvirynetska metro station (formerly Druzhby Narodiv metro station), Lesi Ukrainky br.

Travel by public transport::
By buses (for example, #14, 60, 470, 520) from the Pecherska metro station

The nearest stops to M. Pryimachenko b:
John McCain St. - is 300 meters away

Zvirynetska metro station (Druzhby Narodiv metro station) on foot - 850 meters.
Pecherska metro station on foot - 1,100 meters.


Driving by car:
Address: Ukraine, Kyiv region, Fastiv district, Borova village, 5/2 Ivan Franko str.
GPS coordinates:
50.18007°N, 30.10839°E

Visual landmark: near the supermarket "Fora"

Travel by public transport:

From Kyiv, by bus #172 from the Hippodrome metro station,
by electric train to Motovylivka station in the direction of Fastiv, from the railway station

From Fastiv by bus "Fastiv-Borova", from the railway station,
by electric train to Motovylivka station in the direction of Kyiv, from the railway station

The nearest bus stop: "Motovylivka station".


Driving by car:
Address: Ukraine, Kyiv region, Sofiyivska Borshchahivka, 44 Boholyubova str.

GPS coordinates:
50.39599°N, 30.38768°E

Visual landmark:

Parking lot at the end of the street under construction, as well as the cafe "Donut"

Travel by public transport:

From Kyiv, by buses No. 720, No. 721, from the metro station Zhytomyrska to the stops "Church of Grace", "Silpo", from there on foot 15 minutes.
From Kyiv, by buses #904, #718 to the final stop "Gourmet"
The nearest bus stop: "Gourmet", 600 m


Travel by car:
Address: Ukraine, Kyiv, Darnytskyi district, 3 Elizaveta Chavdar str.

50.393794 30.619457

Visual landmark:
opposite the Church of St. Andrew

Travel by public transport:

Nearest stops to Elizabeth Chavdar Street:
Grigory Vaschenko Street is 180 meters away on foot
Osokorky metro station on foot - 300 meters

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Любі клієнти!

We continue to provide services at prices formed before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, despite the increase $ exchange rate and the increase in the price of consumables and medicines for us by 2.5 times. All for the sake of victory!