
Oncology detection in animals is not uncommon. The most common species is breast tumour in females. Castrating and sterilizing favorites at a young age help prevent pathologies. If the operation is not performed on time, there is a high risk of malignant neoplasms.


Animal cancer treatment in Kyiv

Have you noticed any signs of an oncological disease and want to test your guesses? Don’t delay your visit to the vet. This is an urgent problem. The sooner you contact specialists, the better chance to overcome the disease and to see the pet again healthy and cheerful.

Diagnosis and treatment of animal cancer

To determine the stage and type of neoplasm, animals with oncology must undergo the necessary diagnostic tests:

  • Ultrasound
  • X-ray examination
  • Examination of tissues and cells
  • Blood tests

These methods are used to diagnose oncology not only in large animals, but also in small ones. Animal Clinic has successfully applied computer tomography to the diagnosis of neoplasms in animals. It allows unambiguous determination of localization and parameters of all tumors and affected tissues.

Early surgery is important for animals in oncology: before the metastases reach the internal organs. Animal Clinic veterinarians use various techniques to treat neoplasms:

  • Operational interventions (surgical treatment)
  • Chemo

The choice of the technique depends on the type, location and stage of the tumor process. Specialists of our veterinary center have a great experience in the treatment of oncology in animals, namely tumors of skin, bones, mammary glands and internal organs.

When discovering a pet’s swelling or other symptoms of a malignant process, do not take any measures to treat the animal and do not expect the pet’s tumor to pass without the help of a veterinarian. If you get your four-legged friend to a doctor in time, you can save your pet’s life.

Cost of services:

Oncology (without the cost of anesthesia)
Service of
Cost, UAH
Neoplasms of the adnexa of the eyeball (surgical treatment)
Papilloma (surgical removal) more than 2 sq. cm
Papilloma (surgical removal) up to 2 sq. cm
Oncology (without the cost of anesthesia)
Service of
Cost, UAH
Neoplasms of the adnexa of the eyeball (surgical treatment)
Papilloma (surgical removal) more than 2 sq. cm
Papilloma (surgical removal) up to 2 sq. cm
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