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Privacy policy of Animal Clinic

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To whom does our privacy policy apply?

The information listed below is intended for users of the animalclinic.ua website to inform them about the procedure for collecting personal data, their use, storage and protection.

Attention! By using, filling out a feedback application (user feedback service), you agree to our use of the information you provide, its storage and protection as specified in this document. If you do not agree with the privacy policy document, please do not use our customer feedback service.

What data (information) do we collect?

Information of a technical nature. When you visit the site, there is information that is automatically recorded (your internal protocol address, the address of the web page you visited, the country, city from which you entered the page, as well as the provider, type and settings of your browser, date and time of your access, the language in which you visited the page and other web tracking services)

Information you provide when filling out a feedback request. When you fill out a feedback form, you voluntarily provide us with information by which we can identify you (name, surname, contact information), and we also give you the opportunity to ask us questions online by filling in the appropriate box in the lower right corner.

By submitting his/her data on the Website and using the Website, the User expresses his/her full consent to the terms of this Policy.

Please note: You have the right to have your personal data deleted from us (the "right to be forgotten") in accordance with Article 17(1)(a). To exercise this right, please contact us at animalclinic.info@gmail.com.

How do we use the information we collect?

The information you provide may be used to send you documents and information, to contact you to discuss your interest in the on-line service, our products and services, and to send you information about promotions or events.

Any information that is voluntarily provided in the form of feedback in our online service or in any survey that we initiate that you accept to participate in is used for the purposes of reviewing that feedback, being able to contact you to answer your questions, sending you information, improving our online service, and more.

It is through the collection of this data that we analyze the actions of visitors and the operation of the site in order to optimize it and improve its functionality.

If necessary, you can change your browser settings at any time to block all cookies or notify you when they are sent. It should be remembered that after such reconfiguration of the browser, some functions and services of the site will not be able to work in full.

In case of disagreement of the User with the terms of this Policy, the use of the Site and / or any Services available when using the Site must be immediately terminated.

The purpose for which this data is required:

Your Name is used for personal appeals to you, e-mail and phone number are necessary for mailing, news, useful information and commercial offers.

Under no circumstances will the data you provide be disclosed to third parties, except as required by law. This information is stored on secure servers and used in accordance with its privacy policy.

Also, if necessary, you can disable the newsletter at any time by deleting your contact information from our database. To do this, there is a special link in each letter you receive that you need to click to unsubscribe from the newsletter.

Terms of use of the site, as well as services provided by the administration

By using the Site, the User confirms that:

  • has all the necessary rights to communicate with the Administration and use the Website Services;
  • provides accurate information about himself/herself to the extent necessary to use the Website Services;
  • is familiarized with this Policy, expresses his/her consent to it and assumes the rights and obligations specified in it. Acquaintance with the terms of this Policy and checking the link to this Policy is a written consent of the User to the collection, storage, processing and transfer to third parties of personal data provided by the User.

The Administration does not verify the accuracy of the received (and collected) information about the Users, except when such verification is necessary to fulfill obligations to the User.

Ways to protect personal data:

To protect your personal information provided on our website, we use various security measures: administrative, technical and managerial. We also follow various international control standards aimed at working with personal information.

Every employee working for our Company is familiar with the standards, control instructions and Privacy Notices. And, despite the fact that we try to protect your personal data, we still recommend that you take all the necessary security measures yourself while surfing the Internet. Our website is protected against unauthorized use of the information you provide, however, we cannot guarantee that our precautions will prevent illegal access to this information by hackers of other organizations.

If this privacy policy is changed, you will be able to find out about it by reading the information on this page.

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We continue to provide services at prices formed before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, despite the increase $ exchange rate and the increase in the price of consumables and medicines for us by 2.5 times. All for the sake of victory!