Animal head and neck CT scans

Has the pet been injured? Has he been pre-diagnosed with a pathology in the neck or brain? In such cases it is obligatory to carry out head and neck CT. In Borova of Kyiev region the procedure is carried out on the latest equipment. The modern X-ray complex Iona-VeT allows our experienced veterinarians to detect the smallest deviations from the norm.

Why do cats, dogs, rodents need CT scans?

The veterinary doctor assigns computer tomography to detect such irregularities as:

  • Trauma to the brain and the base of the skull.
  • Vascular abnormalities.
  • Inflammatory Processes.
  • Structural Anomalies.
  • Hemorrhaging and hematoma.

Our specialists scan the brain, temporal bones, orbits, upper and lower jaws, adhesive sinuses, tear pathways. One can examine the temporomandibular joints separately. An emergency brain examination is necessary if animals have suffered severe head trauma, as well as if there are symptoms of brain hemorrhage: tilted head, lack of coordination of movements, blindness.

A neck CT for animals in PGT Borova

Comprehensive CT examination of the cervical zone sheds light on the condition of the larynx, trachea, oesophagus, salivary glands, soft tissues, and lymph nodes. Computer-generated images show fine fine fine changes in both soft and hard tissues. The survey is designed to disprove or confirm the existence of:

  • Cysts.
  • Tumor or inflammatory process.
  • Vascular pathology.

Sometimes, for example, to examine the blood vessels of the brain, your pet’s attending physician may order a head or neck CT using a contrasting agent. The introduction of iodine-containing drug does not cause discomfort in animals, and no additional procedures are needed to produce it. The professionals at our veterinary clinic will make sure that the examination for the patient goes without stress.

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