- Main
- Diagnostics
- Computed tomography
- CT of abdominal organs in animals
CT of abdominal organs in animals
Animal CT scanning is an informative method of analyzing the state of internal organs. The procedure is safe and fast. It clearly shows deviations from the norm in the gall bladder, stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, blood system, as well as in the lymph nodes of the area under examination.
A CT scan at the Animal Clinic Animal Animal Clinic in Borova allows testing the pet’s abdomen for inflammatory or tumor processes, atrophy, bile congestion, blood flow disorders and other pathologies.
When is a CT of an abdominal carried out?
Котам, собакам та іншим домашнім улюбленцям призначається комп'ютерна томографія, якщо на попередньому обстеженні було виявлено:
Cats, dogs and other pets are given a CT scan if a preliminary examination reveals:
- Development of Anomalies.
- Lymph node disease.
- Neoplasms. CT detects metastases.
- Liver problems, for example, an increase.
- Spleen Trauma.
If the pet has damaged the abdominal cavity, there is a suspicion of an aneurysm, a cyst, bleeding in the abdomen or a foreign object in the GI, the veterinarian in the Kiev region prescribes a tomography. The procedure helps to plan the surgery as well as control the course of the therapy.