Changes in the diet of rodents and rabbits with the onset of colds

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Every pet and rabbit owner knows about their pet's unquenchable appetite. Despite the fact that in the cold seasons the range of products becomes poorer, the pet's diet should be as varied as in summer. You will learn in this article what to feed domestic rodents and rabbits with the onset of cold weather.

Autumn-winter rabbit menu

The rabbit's winter diet should be balanced, consisting of vitamins, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The pet will love to eat the mixture purchased at the pet store. We also recommend giving the following products:

  • Hay.
  • Branches of aspen, spruce, as well as branches of fruit trees, except cherries, plums, cherries and peaches (they contain poisonous to rodents hydrocyanic acid).
  • Carrots.
  • Oats, millet, corn.
  • Peas, lentils, chickpeas and beans.

All solid grains should be soaked before feeding, and then give to your pet.

This is important: eating a lot of dry food involves maintaining a drinking balance. Do not forget to wash the rabbit drinker every day and pour clean water into it.

What to feed ornamental rodents in the cold seasons?

If you have a hamster, the usual summer greens and juicy vegetables can be replaced with cereals, beets and carrots. You can also treat your pet with apples in winter. Guinea pig owners are advised to give animals raw or cooked vegetables: cabbage, carrots and beets.

Common winter food for ornamental rats - wheat, rye, millet, oats, bread, boiled eggs, cheese, meat and roots. Favorite delicacies - cheese, fruit or dried fruit. Give food of animal origin several times a week. Do not forget to put in the cage branches for grinding teeth.

Mice are happy to eat grain, you can also add a little sunflower seeds, cheese, boiled egg white to the diet. You can treat yourself to vegetables, fruits, berries, bread. Germinate grain mice - a source of valuable vitamins. Be sure to need branches of fruit trees or birch for grinding cutters.

Chinchillas should have hay in their cages, as well as special food for these animals. In summer, they can feed on clover, plantain and even nettle, while in winter they have to be satisfied with dry or sprouted cereals. The best vitamin treats for chinchillas are dried products: carrots, apples, dog rose and pears.

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