How to take a pet's feces for analysis?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Has your cat, dog or other animal been prescribed a stool test in Kyiv? You need to know how to take the material so that it does not affect the results of the study. Thanks to this article Animal Clinic you will learn the intricacies of preparing a pet before the procedure.

Important preparatory activities

You know best the history of the disease and the diet of the pet, so it is you who can do everything necessary to ensure that the result of the analysis of feces was correct. 3 days before bringing the biomaterial to the clinic, stop giving the pet:

  • Laxatives.
  • Adsorbents, such as activated carbon.
  • Drugs that change the color of feces (iron, bismuth, etc.).
  • Fresh meat.
  • Tomatoes and beets, which give the feces a reddish tinge. Because of them, the result of the analysis for the presence of occult blood may be false positive.

If your pet has recently been given an enema, X-ray of the stomach or intestines, it is better to wait with the delivery of feces for analysis. We insist that all owners collect biomaterial in a sterile container with an airtight lid. You can buy a small disposable container in a veterinary or regular pharmacy.

The nuances of fecal sampling

Make sure that the material is collected without foreign particles. If you are planning a laboratory diagnosis of cat feces, before going to the toilet, clean the tray and scoop from traces of filler.

Collect feces from a dog or other pet that defecates on the street without debris, otherwise the diagnosis may be inaccurate. Don't forget to bring gloves or bags to collect.

Deadline for submission of pet feces for analysis

The time between the collection and delivery of biomaterial to the veterinary clinic depends on the type of analysis. For example, to test for helminth eggs, the pet's feces can be brought within 12 hours after defecation. If you are planning to test for protozoan cysts, you need to hurry: you only have 20 minutes to deliver. It is better to specify the exact term of delivery at the veterinarian.

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