How to take care of a pet on New Year's holidays?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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There is very little left until the New Year. You are probably already planning how to decorate the house, thinking about the holiday menu and entertainment program. While enjoying the festive atmosphere, it is important not to forget that you have a four-legged friend who needs special care. After reading this article, you will learn how to spend the New Year and Christmas as safely as possible for your pet.

Christmas toys and other decorations

Secure the tree securely - it should not fall. The best place for electric garlands - walls and cornices - is higher, where a cat and a dog will not be able to reach. Glass Christmas tree toys are dangerous for pets, so we recommend replacing them with durable plastic, popular today, cardboard and wooden decorations. If you have a cat, you should not hang a shiny "rain" and serpentine - common causes of acute intestinal obstruction and the need for surgery.

Everyone has their own holiday table

Do not feed pets. Don't give bones and candy! They can never eat:

  • Fatty.
  • Fried.
  • Sharp.
  • Smoked.

Buy your pet a favorite or new treat at the pet store. You can make a gift - a new toy. The pet will be delighted, it will take him a while.

Warn guests

If you are invited by friends and relatives, they should know that you can not treat your pet from your own plate. When you open the door, make sure the dog or cat does not jump out into the porch. Ask guests not to smoke in the house - tobacco smoke is very harmful to animals.

Fireworks and firecrackers

Loud sounds are stressful for animals. Going for a walk with a dog on the day of the holiday, go around the places where the launch of fireworks and similar pyrotechnics. Frightened, the dog may run away. In this case, it is better to chip the animal or put on a collar with your phone number.

Are you planning to leave the animal at home and visit? Keep in mind that at midnight on December 31 there will be a large number of fireworks, and your pet will panic. Before leaving, carefully close all windows and close them. Do not lock your pet in a separate room, make sure you have access to food, water and toilet. Do not leave your pet alone for long.

Now you can make the house and the holiday safe for a four-legged friend.

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