How do cats and dogs are affected by temperature changes?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Domestic dogs and cats are usually kept warm. The temperature of 15-20 ° C is comfortable for them. The mechanisms responsible for thermoregulation in animal organisms function normally in such conditions. A sudden change in temperature can adversely affect the well-being of the pet.

The reaction of the animal to the cold after heat

When you bring a dog or cat that is used to being in a warm home to the cold, the animal experiences a temperature shock from a sudden change in temperature. The pet's thermoregulatory mechanisms may not withstand such a load - and then the animal will catch a cold. Colds and dogs of short-haired breeds, as well as babies, are especially at risk of hypothermia.

Another common problem due to temperature differences is hypothermia of the joints, which can later provoke arthritis. If an animal freezes, it can develop inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, ear disease. To avoid these problems, follow the simple rules of walking a four-legged friend in the cold:

  • Limit the time spent below 0.
  • Avoid getting the animal in cold rain and wet snow.
  • Make sure your pet moves a lot. Do not allow your dog or cat to sit or lie in the snow or crisis for long periods of time.
  • Buy waterproof clothing and footwear that will protect you from rain and cold ground.

It is also important to take care of your pet during the transition to extreme heat.

How to take care of a cat and a dog during the heat?

Dogs and cats do not sweat for cooling. For a dog, the main way to escape from the heat - shortness of breath - quick and shallow inhalation-exhalation through the mouth with a protruding tongue. But when the temperature exceeds the mark +25, additional measures are required:

  • Turn on the air conditioner, but do not increase the difference between indoor and outdoor temperature by more than 5 degrees.
  • Ventilate the room, but make sure the animal is not over.
  • Do not leave your pet in the car.
  • During activity, dogs overheat faster, so take a bowl and water for a walk, try to be more in the shade.

Now you can avoid both heat stroke in the animal and its hypothermia. If the animal still got worse due to the temperature drop, contact the Animal Clinic.

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