Congratulations to dentists on their professional holiday

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Dear friends, today is the International Day of the Dentist, so we sincerely congratulate those of you who are involved in this holiday. The Animal Clinic network of veterinary centers also has a reason to celebrate, because our team includes qualified veterinarians and dentists.

They use modern methods of diagnostics, treatment and cleaning of teeth, as well as bite correction, because the quality of life of a pet depends on the health of the oral cavity. Our specialists individually consider each case, carefully selecting the methods of dental care.

5 Frequently Asked Questions about veterinary dentistry

For the holiday, we have prepared answers to the most frequently asked questions related to the field of animal dentistry:

  1. What specializations are there in modern veterinary dentistry? Dentists are divided into general practitioners, orthodontists, orthopedists, surgeons, and dental technicians.
  2. What should I do if my pet is afraid to be in the dental office? Our dentists treat patients carefully and humanely, knowing how to calm them down when it comes to examining the oral cavity. They use certified anesthetics for treatment procedures to ensure the safety of animals.
  3. Do I need to brush my animal's teeth? Yes, otherwise, food particles will accumulate on the teeth and turn into tartar, which can only be removed in a dental office. It is better to carry out cleaning 1-2 times a week.
  4. How often should I bring my pet to the dentist? A preventive examination should be carried out at least once a year. The dentist assesses the patient's oral health and can detect problems before they become serious.
  5. Which animals should I take to the dentist? You should visit the doctor not only if you have a dog or cat. Rodents also need dental care, in particular because omnivores have constantly growing incisors, and herbivores have both incisors and back teeth that need to be corrected in length.

As you can imagine, animal dentistry is just as important as human dentistry. Dentists at Animal Clinic work hard to make a visit to the veterinary center a pleasant experience not only for the animal, but also for its guardian.

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