Rest near the pond: safety precautions for dog owners

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Swimming is very useful for dogs, it strengthens the body as a whole. It is a good idea to take a faithful four-legged friend with you to relax by a river or lake in the Kyiv region. But you must remember that water is also a source of danger, so we recommend that you follow safety precautions that will save the health and life of your pet.

6 rules of rest near the water with a dog

Are you planning a trip to the pond with your pet in the near future? Remember these simple rules:

  1. Carefully choose a place to swim. Explore the area. Avoid dense undergrowth and trees floating in the water. Do not let the dog swim if the bottom of the pond has a sharp drop from the shoal to the depth or a dense layer of silt.
  2. Unbuckle the leash. But first, make sure that your pet does not interfere with other vacationers. A wet tarpaulin leash is too heavy to pull to the bottom. It can also catch on an invisible cramp in the water, or confuse the paws.
  3. Always let the dog swim in the collar. If suddenly the pet starts to sink or will be carried away by a current, you will be able to rescue it, having picked up a collar. It is better that the product was made of fabric or leather. The chain collar in this case can be useless and even dangerous.
  4. Do not give the animal access to water if it is very cold, even if it is hot on the shore. Choose a place for the dog in the shade.
  5. Do not allow dogs to conflict in the water. A light dog fight over a stick or ball in the water can end badly. One of its participants may accidentally drown the other.
  6. Do not lose sight of a floating dog. Even if your dog is a skilled swimmer, he can be defenseless in the water if another dog or person is aggressive. Boats or jet skis are likely to pass nearby, which can frighten and disorient the animal. The dog can get entangled in the thick algae brought by the current, so it should always be under your control.

The Animal Clinic team hopes that you will be able to provide your pet with safe conditions for activity in the water. We wish that the summer vacation at the pond was filled with positive, and you were satisfied with joint leisure with your pet.

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