Top 5 Mistakes when Feeding a Dog

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Most owners strive to provide pets with a decent quality of life. But often ignorance of the subtleties of content leads to disastrous consequences. Especially often dogs suffer from improper feeding, which gradually weakens the body.

Each animal has its own needs, dictated by physiology. Lack or excess of one of the components in the diet over a long period of time can cause health problems. We will introduce you to the most common mistakes associated with compiling a dog menu.

1. Feeding without measure

Pitying a pet that asks for another serving of goodies, the dog's owner may not think about restrictions. But it is important to remember:

  • Even quality food will bring a lot of trouble if you do not follow the daily norm.
  • When feeding your dog, do not overfeed him with extra treats.
  • Do not give food from your own table. Just because a four-legged friend enjoys eating fatty foods or bones doesn't mean these foods are good.

All of the above errors inevitably lead to failure of the dog's body systems.

2. Feeding only meat

Consuming only this product, the animal does not receive certain nutrients: fats, useful fiber, certain mineral components, essential Omega-3 fatty acids, which, in addition to skin health, ensure the normal course of various chemical processes in the body.

3. Feeding before walking and training

After eating, the dog needs to be at rest for a couple of hours, otherwise the work of the gastrointestinal tract may be disrupted.

4. Porridge and some meat

Excess carbohydrates derived from cereals will eventually disrupt metabolism. Lack of animal protein in the dog's menu leads to a deficiency of vital nutrients, which will inevitably result in health problems.

5. Preparation of a diet without taking into account features of the pupil

Needless to say, a balanced diet if the dog's owner can not correctly calculate the portion. Due to the lack of calories, the animal can lose weight, and as a result of excess energy that comes with food, and a sedentary lifestyle - to lose weight. It is a mistake to ignore the age or health of your pet.

We hope this information will help you to compose a dog menu more competently.

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