Recommendations for dog care

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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The health and cheerfulness of a four-legged friend depends on how well the owner takes care of him. Our dog care tips will help you ensure a decent quality and high life expectancy for your pet.

Spending leisure time with a dog

  1. Walks.
  2. For a dog, being outdoors is an opportunity not only to go to the toilet, but also to communicate with other members of its species. Active walks, jogs and games prevent the risk of obesity. That is why you need to take your pet for a walk not for 5 minutes, but at least an hour in warm weather.
    At the same time you must have a bottle of water and a bowl in which you can pour it so that the dog does not have heat stroke. With the onset of cold weather, you can reduce the walking time to avoid frostbite. In winter, take the dog in special shoes. It will protect against cold and reagents sprinkled with snow and ice.

  3. Training.
  4. The learning process helps to establish communication between the owner and the dog. In addition, it brings joy to the animal. Dogs can only concentrate for a short time, so train your pet as interestingly as possible. In addition, it will promote the acquisition of acquired skills. Be consistent in choosing your intonation so that your pet can quickly recognize commands. Each correctly performed action should be immediately followed by a reward.

  5. Joint vacation in nature.
  6. Many dogs like to rest by the pond, but do not throw the animal into the water if it can not swim, and if you have such a skill, do not let your pet out of sight. Active outdoor games are always good, but avoid the possibility of overheating, fatigue, contact with aggressive animals and people.


Procedures to help keep the dog clean and tidy should be regular:

  • Examination of the coat for skin problems and parasites.
  • Brushing teeth. Once a day with a special toothpaste, brush or wipes provided for the procedure. You can also give special treats for dogs. If you have tartar on your teeth, only ultrasonic cleaning will help. It is performed by a veterinarian at the Animal Clinic.
  • Bathing. Wash your feet after each walk. You need to bathe the dog as needed, with a special shampoo - your hygiene products will not suit your pet, they may even harm. The water should be warm, not hot.
  • Combing. A special comb will help to cope with the task. Follow these animal care tips: Comb smooth-haired and hard-haired dogs in the direction of hair growth. Long-haired - first against the hair, and then - in the direction of its growth.
  • Ear cleaning. Performed with a special lotion - NOT ear sticks! The wool inside can be neatly trimmed.
  • Claw haircut. To do this, forget about ordinary scissors. Buy a special nail clipper. Secure the pet's paw and hold it so that you can see the claw and cut off only its tip with one click without injuring the blood vessel.

All procedures related to hygiene can be performed by an experienced groomer at Animal Clinic. If when caring for a dog you notice a rash, tumors, fleas or ticks, dark sulfur in the ears or suspicious discharge from any area of the body, contact our professionals immediately!

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