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Wounds in rodents and rabbits: how to provide first aid before coming to the clinic?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Does your pet seem safe? But even in a cage, something can happen to him. But you still need to know the rules of first aid to relieve pain in the pet and prevent the spread of infection.

How to prepare?

If you do not have enough knowledge and experience to provide medical care, it is better to be in touch with a veterinarian you trust. Make sure you have the phone number and address of the vet clinic. Just in case the house should keep a set of tools for first aid to the animal:

  • A small clean towel.
  • Disinfectant solution. In our vet pharmacy in Kiev you can buy a solution of chlorhexidine 2% and 4% - for lesions of varying degrees. And for open wounds, the concentration of chlorhexidine is 0.05%.
  • Cotton swabs and cotton wool. 2-3 syringes with a volume of 10 ml to rinse the wounds with water and water the animal.
  • Ointment-antibiotic.
  • Tweezers.

If you have several rabbits or rodents, it is better to have a spare cage at home, in which you can isolate an injured or sick animal.

How to treat a wound?

To treat a minor wound or bite, remove the victim from the cage and gently wrap him in a clean towel. This measure is necessary so that the pet does not bite you out of fear, and the treatment was relatively calm. Then rinse the wound with water from a syringe and wipe it with a clean cotton ball. Moisten a cotton swab with antiseptic and treat the wound.

It is unlikely that the pet will bandage the affected area. He may begin to tear the bandage. Allow the wound to dry, but periodically inspect it, rinse and treat with an ointment containing antibiotics. Do not give the animal an antibiotic orally before consulting a veterinarian!

The immediate help of a specialist will be needed if the animal's eyes are damaged, as well as if it is injured on the bars of the cage, as such wounds very often lead to the spread of infection. Remember: self-help of the owner can not be a full-fledged alternative to a veterinarian!

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