Common diagnoses of female genital organs

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Quite often, the patients of Animal Clinic are domestic cats and dogs that have problems "on the female part". These are all kinds of diseases, but we want to tell you about the most common ones in this article.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases

Most often, our veterinary centers in Kyiv and Kyiv region are visited by owners of dogs and cats whose general condition has deteriorated. Not knowing how to help their pet, the owners make the only right decision: to bring it to the veterinarian.

Only a specialist can make the right diagnosis, because he has extensive experience not only in the field of visual, but also laboratory and hardware examinations. Our veterinarians often record infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, the most common of which are as follows:

  • Pericultitis - an infection of the surgical edges of the upper part of the vagina, which develops after surgery to remove the uterus. Symptoms include fever and abnormal vaginal discharge.
  • Pyometra - purulent inflammation of the uterus due to the entry and development of foreign bacteria in it. It may be manifested by purulent or serous vaginal discharge, refusal to feed, increased drinking and frequent urination. Weakness, vomiting, fever are possible.

Careful monitoring of a pet that has undergone gynecological surgery or has recently given birth to offspring will help to avoid adverse effects. Every year it is important to take your cat and dog for a routine examination to prevent the risk of developing a dangerous disease, or, if it is detected, to immediately begin treatment.

Pregnancy of a pet

Among the owners of cats and dogs there is an opinion that the pet should give birth at least once. This is a myth. Pregnancy and the appearance of babies is not a prevention of reproductive system diseases. But they can provoke exacerbation of chronic pathologies, because the body will be under stress and additional load.

A cat or dog should breed only if it is necessary to get a purebred litter. Signs that an animal is in pregnancy are as follows

  • sleeps a lot;
  • requires attention;
  • eats less than usual;
  • rounded belly;
  • mammary glands and nipples have increased.

A veterinarian will help to make sure that pregnancy has occurred. Thanks to ultrasound you will know the number and condition of the fetuses.

If you do not want your pet to give birth, it would be wise to bring it for castration or sterilization. If the female is spayed, she will be deprived of the sexual instinct, so she will be calmer. Our veterinarian-gynecologist in Kyiv will tell you all about the peculiarities of the operation at an individual consultation.

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