Advantages of surgery using American technologies

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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You probably know that our network of veterinary centers adheres to American standards in the treatment of patients. This applies to all areas of veterinary medicine, including surgical interventions.

Humane surgeries for pets

US technologies provide humane operations. That is, as in human medicine, surgical intervention is a whole series of responsible measures:

  1. Preparation of the patient.
    Analyzes of blood, urine, and feces are carried out, as well as diagnostics of vital organs: heart, lungs, liver, kidneys. Based on the results, the veterinarian determines indications and contraindications for surgery.
  2. Preparation of tools and materials.
    All tools are completely sterilized within 60 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. 100% of pathogenic microflora is eliminated. We use disposable consumables: needles, sutures, scalpel blades, clothes of doctors who operate.
  3. Ensuring an adequate level of security.
    Physiological data of the patient are monitored by the cardiac monitor and the staff. The animal is placed on a surgical table with automated heating. The patient's body temperature is controlled: overheating is excluded.
  4. Introduction and withdrawal from anesthesia.
    High-quality pain relief is selected individually. We use new preparations of organic GABA compounds that inhibit the functions of neurotransmitters. Thanks to them, a sedative/analgesic effect is manifested already 30 seconds after administration. At the same time, there is continuous monitoring of breathing, body temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate. When the operation is completed, recovery from anesthesia lasts about 15 minutes. After a simple operation, the pet will come to you on all fours.

Injuries, neoplasms and other pathologies often require surgical treatment. The American approach followed by our veterinarians makes such therapy successful and safe for the pet. Do you think your pet needs surgery? Contact the Animal Clinic for a consultation with an experienced surgeon.

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