Guinea pigs: rules of maintenance

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Guinea pigs are a species that is not very demanding in terms of care, but one that needs attention. These are sociable pets. Being in the team, they have a good mood. There is even such a thing as guinea pig popcoring - a state of joy in which the animal jumps, whistles, twists his ass and makes other active movements. That is why our veterinary clinic recommends keeping not one, but a couple of animals.

Guinea pig housing

Rodents feel great in a cage, where each of them has 0.7 m². The bottom should be a soft bed of sawdust or paper. A rubber mat is also suitable. Disposable diapers are best not to spread, because there is a danger that the pet will eat them. Attention: we do not recommend keeping guinea pigs on a bare cage lattice, pressed pellets or hay - this will cause painful calluses and wounds on their paws. Place inside the cage:

  • Lodge. Rodents love to hide.
  • Bowls.
  • Drinking bowl.
  • Hayloft of comfortable design so that the animal can easily reach the dry stems and grind teeth.

Periodically let the guinea pigs walk around the house, but watch where they are so as not to accidentally harm your pet. Avoid drafts and low temperatures, change or clean the litter regularly, otherwise the animal's health may deteriorate.

What to feed a guinea pig?

These herbivores, in addition to hay, should be given:

  • Herbal granules.
  • Juicy foods - fresh vegetables (beets, carrots, sweet peppers, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower), greens, dried meadow grass.
  • Let's give fruit a little.

Guinea pigs do not produce vitamin C, so add ascorbic acid to drinking water. You can also diversify the menu with spinach, asparagus and broccoli. Be sure to keep the food fresh, and feed your pets only washed food.

Pet care

Many people mistakenly believe that if an animal is called a guinea pig, it loves to swim. In fact, water treatments are stressful for rodents. Bathe it at least in a basin with a minimum of water. Guinea pigs need to have their claws trimmed. Animals are not vaccinated and are not treated for prophylactic purposes against worms and ectoparasites. If you live in Kyiv, bring your pets to the Animal Clinic for examination every six months.

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