Blood parasitic diseases of dogs and cats

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Blood-parasitic diseases are diseases caused by microorganisms that enter the circulatory system and parasitize there. Diseases are divided into groups depending on the location of parasites:

  • In erythrocytes - babesiosis and hemobartonellosis.
  • On the surface of blood cells - trypanosomiasis and malaria.
  • In white blood cells, as well as in platelets - anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis.

Cats and dogs are infected with blood-borne parasitic diseases through the bites of infected ticks and insects, and in the case of some diseases - in violation of the integrity of the skin as a result of a fight with a sick animal.

Diseases of dogs caused by blood parasites

Common blood-borne diseases in dogs include piroplasmosis, which infects animals with Ixodes mites. Symptoms such as anemia, renal and hepatic insufficiency may occur due to destruction of erythrocytes by multiplying piroplasms.

Piroplasmosis is detected in the laboratory. Blood sampling for analysis is performed from the ear or vein on the paw. In the absence of therapy for an infected dog, there is a high probability of death.

Hemobartonellosis is provoked by hemotrophic mycoplasma, which entered the body when bitten by a tick or insect, which fed on the blood of an infected animal. A dog can become infected by fighting or playing with an infected animal. The disease either proceeds without visible symptoms, or anemia begins. Veterinarians use light microscopy and PCR diagnostics to detect mycoplasma in a patient's blood.

Cat diseases of blood-parasitic nature

Cats are more prone to hemobartonellosis caused by Haemofelis mycoplasma. They have more pronounced symptoms of the disease. Cats are infected mainly from flea bites or from scratches and bites received in a fight with carriers of the infection. Mycoplasmas multiply very quickly, destroying erythrocytes of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, bone marrow. The disease can be suspected by the following symptoms:

  • Anemia.
  • High temperature.
  • Yellow tint of mucous membranes.
  • Apathy.
  • Weight loss.

The method of staining a blood smear according to Romanovsky-Gimza and PCR diagnostics allows to diagnose hemobartonellosis in cats. Insect-acaricides that prevent the attack of pests help to protect the pet from blood-borne diseases.

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