Helping the animal with heat stroke

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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The normal body temperature of cats and dogs is 37.5 - 39 ° C. Its increase to 40.5 ° C can have a bad effect on the heart of the animal. The pet may overheat at home, while walking or in the car.

How to understand that the dog overheated?

The symptoms of heat stroke can initially be confused with fatigue, but in addition to lethargy, there may be other signs:

  1. Increased salivation.
  2. Defocused gaze.
  3. Refusal to eat.
  4. Heavy breathing with wheezing and wheezing.
  5. Shaking while walking.
  6. Temperature higher than 40 ° C.
  7. Vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea.

But, for example, the lack of appetite alone can not be considered a sign of heat stroke, because in summer the appetite of some dogs is reduced. A set of symptoms will tell about the illness, taking into account your knowledge that the dog spent time in the sun or in a stuffy environment. In case of heat stroke you should immediately help:

  • Remove the collar and muzzle.
  • Take the animal to a cool place.
  • Wipe with cold water. But do not throw into the water - a sharp drop in temperature is very dangerous.
  • Make compresses on the head, armpits, inner thighs.
  • Offer water.

Take the dog to a veterinarian in Kyiv, even if after first aid it seems that his condition has returned to normal. Overheating is dangerous for all body systems, and the deterioration of the pet's health may occur a few days after heat stroke.

How to help a cat in the heat?

Heat stroke in cats is less common than in dogs, because they walk less. In summer, domestic cats hide in dark corners of apartments, and rural - in the shade of trees. Cats experience heat and suffocation very badly. This should be taken into account in the hottest days for summer residents and those who leave pets at home for the whole day.

If you are sure that the cat has overheated, provide it with coolness, bring down the temperature with a cool compress, drink it and take it to the vet. If the cat does not want to eat in the heat, it is not a symptom of overheating. It is possible that the pet's appetite has decreased because it hardly moves, or the food you put hung in the bowl and managed to spoil.

To protect your fluffy pet from the heat, hang towels or sheets soaked in water at home - they will cool the air a bit. Keep the bathroom door open so that the cat can lie on a cool tile. Be sure to change the animal's water to fresh.

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