Care of dog paw pads during the first frosts

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Everyone knows the seasonal needs of their skin and takes certain measures to maintain its normal condition. But not many dog owners think that the skin of their pets also needs special treatment, especially with the onset of frost.

The fact is that the pads of dog paws are very fragile, and during the cold they become too vulnerable, so paws should be taken special care. Frosts are often accompanied by snowfall, and the skin on the pads of the paws is very sensitive to the reagents used to treat roads and sidewalks against ice. When exposed to microscopic damage to the skin, the chemicals provoke unbearable itching, which can cause the animal to even refuse to go outside.

In addition to irritation, ulcers and severe dermatitis can occur due to substances sprinkled on the streets, which will require long-term treatment. In addition, delicate pads can scratch the sharp ice, so we advise you to carefully check the dog's feet after each walk.

Care products - to protect the health of the dog's foot skin

Protect the pads of the dog's paws in the cold season help safe means, specially designed to protect the skin on the limbs of animals. To care for the pads of the paws you can use:

  • Powder.
  • Paw wax.
  • Silicone gel.
  • Aerosol.
  • Cream.

The selected tool is applied to the pads before going for a walk. After returning home, you should wash your pet's feet thoroughly with warm water. An effective protection is a special ointment, which when applied to the pads forms an invisible film - a barrier to reagents and reliable protection even in severe frosts.

Shoes for dogs - the most effective protection

In dry weather, even during frost, you can wear tight socks with a rubber bottom. You will need soft leather or suede shoes with a waterproof coating. Make sure that the sole is made of flexible, high-quality, non-slip material. The cut of the products should correspond to the anatomy of the dog's foot to avoid discomfort and negative impact on the gait. The higher the animal's ankle, the higher the shoe. Keep your pets' feet warm and healthy!

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