Why does a pet's tooth hurt: Should I go to the dentist?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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If you have a young animal, it is likely that a tooth or even several teeth are loose, because it is time for the change of milk teeth to permanent ones. In kittens this occurs at 4 months of age, in puppies at 3-7 months.

For rodents, this change is not characteristic, their teeth grow throughout life, and are ground when eating solid food or when correcting the length. If demineralization of the alveolar bone occurs, the space between the tooth and jaw increases. Then the risk of tooth loss increases. When a rodent's tooth becomes loose, food particles can enter the alveolus. Periodontal ailments and bone tumors appear because of regular trauma.

Have you noticed that your dog's or cat's molars have grown a third or more and the temporary teeth have yet to fall out? You should bring your pet to a veterinary dentist for involuntary extraction of the baby teeth. Failure to do so may result in future biting problems, often leading to permanent teeth quickly eroding and loosening.

What Should I Do If My Adult Pet’s Tooth Is Wobbly?

When an adult pet's tooth wobbles, the help of a veterinary dentist is always needed. There may be reasons for the problem:

  • Tartar not removed in time.
  • Damage to the tooth roots and bone tissue due to trauma.
  • Inflammation of the gums.
  • Genetic predisposition.

If the case is serious, the animal feels unbearable pain, and the tooth must be extracted. An appointment at the dentist will tell you exactly why the tooth is loose, unless you yourself noticed that the pet was injured.

Notice bad breath, and yellow, dark gray or greenish plaque on your pet's teeth? Visit an Animal Clinic veterinary dentist right away. He will examine the oral cavity, ultrasound the teeth and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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