Is your pet healthy?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Everything looks fine, but you want to know for sure? You can check the health of your pet at the vet. Start with a doctor's examination. After it the individual plan of diagnostics will be made.

No matter what age your pet is, the examination usually includes thermometry, examination of skin and hair, natural openings, listening to internal organs, weighing, palpation - palpation of the abdomen and skeleton. In case of problems with any organ or system, additional diagnostics of a narrower profile are assigned.

How is the examination of a young and an elderly pet different?

Despite the similarity of the basic diagnostic measures, the approach to the examination of children of different ages should be different:

  • From 2 months to 1 year. Doctor's examination. If the subject is clinically healthy, he has a general blood test, developed (with leukoformula). If deviations are found after carrying out, additional inspections are appointed.
  • From 1 to 7 years. Annual examination by a veterinarian; general and biochemical blood tests; urine analysis; Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  • From 7 years and more. Similar tests, but twice a year + blood test for T4 (thyroxine hormone, which is produced by the thyroid gland and controls energy metabolism in the body), as well as SDMA (early detection of renal dysfunction) and ultrasound of the heart.

Does your tailed pet have a chronic illness? At any age, control of his health should be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of a veterinarian. Usually the frequency is from 30 to 90 days.

Why is it needed to examine a pet?

The animal can not report what and where it hurts. There are veterinarians for this: qualifications and experience allow specialists to visually or with the help of special equipment to see deviations from the norm, which are not seen by the owners.

Regular medical examination is an effective method of disease prevention. It is much cheaper than treating an abandoned case. Do you want to quickly and thoroughly examine a pet in Kyiv or Kyiv region? Make an appointment with the Animal Clinic at one of the following numbers: (044) 333 95 63; (067) 333 95 63. Full addresses of our veterinary centers are in the "Contacts" section. Health to your pets!

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