Do I need to salt dog food?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Dietary salt contains vital chlorine and sodium. They maintain water and acid-base balance, ensure the normal functioning of cells, participate in the emergence and transmission of nerve impulses. Deficiency of these components leads to the fact that the dog weakens and quickly gets tired of the usual activities. Puppies may have growth and developmental delays.

Why not add salt to dog food?

Although animals need salt, the daily allowance may not exceed a few milligrams. It is difficult to measure the required volume at home, but there is no need for this, because:

  1. If your pet's diet is a complete food, know that it contains an acceptable concentration of sodium and chlorine. In this case, the salt may not be in the column "Composition", but it is present in the raw material.
  2. When making a menu of raw meat, fish, vegetables, do not add salt to food, because the products contain the optimal amount of trace elements.
  3. When cooking, some of the salt remains in the broth, but it is better not to add salt to the finished food, because there is a risk of putting more than necessary.

A great option is to buy a vitamin-mineral complex, which contains sodium and chlorine.

What is dangerous for a dog excess salt?

Excessive salt in the dog's diet leads to irritation of the digestive tract, impaired mineral metabolism and increased thirst. Abuse of this product provokes the development of chronic diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Pure salt provokes poisoning and vomiting, so we strongly recommend hiding the salt shaker from your pet. Salty cheeses, sausages and all kinds of smoked products contain more salt than a person needs, and especially for his four-legged friend. That is, it is better not to offer him such dishes.

Remember: clean fresh water should always be freely available to the animal. If the dog drinks a daily amount of water, small excess salt is excreted in the urine. Do dogs have chronic diseases? Talk to your veterinarian about whether salty foods are helpful in the case of your pet, or whether it's best to start a salt-free diet. Learn in general about how to properly and in what quantity to combine foods to maintain a good standard of living for your pet.

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