Should I chip a pet?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Getting acquainted with the list of services of our veterinary clinic, you could see the name "Chipping". Still do not know what it is, why it is held and whether to chip your pet? Then read this article to the end - and you will know the answers to these questions.

3 reasons to chip the animal

The microchip, also called a transponder, is a tiny carrier of information about an animal. This is a kind of passport of your four-legged friend, scanning which you can find out the necessary information about the animal and its owner. There are 3 reasons for chipping:

  1. Transportation of animals abroad. Today, a prerequisite for traveling with a dog or cat to another country is the presence of a microchip. This applies to crossing the border both for tourism and to participate in international exhibitions.
  2. The microchip helps in finding a pet if it gets lost. After reading the information from the chip, you can find out who owns the animal. Yes, a person who finds a dog or cat will be able to return the pet to its owner.
  3. The issue of animal ownership is resolved very quickly. This is relevant if someone deliberately appropriated your pet, or if there was an accidental substitution of visually identical animals.

Data on all chipped animals are contained in the international database. The relevance of the service is undeniable, even if you do not plan to go abroad.

Advantages of chipping before branding

Previously, a special tattoo was applied to the animal for identification, but this method was replaced by a more humane one - chipping. The procedure has many advantages over branding:

  • Takes a minimum of time. Inserting a tiny chip is just a moment.
  • When chipping the animal has no pain, and then there is no discomfort.
  • A repeat procedure is not required, ie the method is more reliable than branding: it can wear off over time due to the restoration of skin cells.

You can bring your pet to our veterinary center Animal Clinic in Kyiv just for chipping or order a comprehensive service "Export abroad", which consists of vaccination, chipping, preparation of a veterinary passport and a certificate confirming the effectiveness of rabies vaccination, as well as veterinarian advice on crossing the border with a pet.

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