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Pamper your pet correctly: how can you treat a dog without harm to health?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Many owners are wondering what treats to give the dog. After all, the process of training and education is much more effective if you encourage a four-legged friend with goodies. At once we want to specify that it is not necessary to feed an animal the remains of own food.

Bones injure the digestive system, get stuck in the esophagus and break teeth. Human food is too high in calories for dogs. Its complex of vitamins and minerals is not always useful to the animal. By feeding the dog from his own plate, you approve of his habit of whining from the table and overeating.

Criteria for selecting promotional snacks for the dog

Dog treats must meet three criteria:

1. Benefits.

Ideal choices are those that do not contain sugar, flavor enhancers, salt and synthetic dyes. Natural top dressing made from meat is best. An allergic pet should buy hypoallergenic delicacies from rabbit, turkey, duck or lamb. The composition should not contain components to which the pet is allergic.

2. Pleasant taste for the pet.

When choosing, be sure to consider the taste preferences of the dog. Delicious nutritious products promote a good reaction of the pet and increase the desire to carry out commands.

3. Convenience of storage and giving.

For the delicacy to be comfortable to use during training, it must be compact and not distract the animal from the course. Products that do not crumble and do not soil everything around - a great option. Pay attention to products in the form of sausages, dried or semi-wet fillets, as well as cookies.

You can use ready-made dried offal, such as light - a very affordable option. These delicacies break well and smell nice with dried mushrooms. All of the above products are convenient to take with you for a walk. Many store-bought delicacies are supplemented with vitamins. This should be taken into account to maintain the vitamin and mineral balance of the body.

Useful tips for pet treats

In the dog's diet, only 10% of calories consumed should be accounted for by delicacies. Remember: the dog should not be exposed to stress after feeding. The best way to wean a pet from begging for food is to give food and a tasty bonus at certain times during the day.

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