5 frequently asked questions about animal vaccination

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Many pet owners refuse to vaccinate their pets due to the fact that street and wild animals do well without vaccinations. But this is a weak argument given the high mortality from viruses. When you learn more about vaccination, you will see that your pet needs it as well.

1. Why are animals vaccinated?

Viruses are living organisms that adapt to a new environment and mutate. But vaccination reduces the incidence of pets. By refusing to vaccinate a pet, or by not doing so in time, the host gives the virus a chance to survive and spread.

Remember: there are common diseases for humans and animals - leptospirosis and rabies. If in the first case the disease can be cured, then rabies is fatal to the infected organism.

2. Does it make sense to vaccinate a pet if he does not go outside?

Yes, of course, because there are diseases that can be brought home with shoes or clothes. These are plague, rhinotracheitis of cats, parvovirus enteritis, panleukopenia, calicivirosis.

3. Do I need to vaccinate an adult animal?

Yes, every 12 months, a lifetime, a comprehensive vaccine: viral infections + rabies. Before vaccination, consult a veterinarian about contraindications. At a respectable age, the animal's immunity weakens, there is a greater risk of contracting infectious diseases.

4. At what age to vaccinate a puppy or kitten for the first time?

There is a whole list of general rules:

  • For the first time, the vaccine is given twice every 3-4 weeks.
  • The puppy or kitten is first vaccinated at 8 weeks, or 6-7 weeks with group retention or early weaning. After reaching 3 months - revaccination with a complex vaccine.
  • Vaccinate completely healthy animals, without worms.

5. Are there any side effects from vaccination?

From modern vaccines - rarely. But the temperature may rise for 1-2 days, with lethargy, drowsiness and loss of appetite; single vomiting and diarrhea are possible.

If a disease is found after vaccination, it is not the result of a poor quality vaccine. Hence, the animal was vaccinated when its disease was in the incubation period, or with a weakened immune system.

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