How should the owner behave at the vet's appointment?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Are you planning a visit to the vet clinic in Kyiv with your pet? Then you need to know how to behave at the doctor's office. There are some important rules:

1. Calculate your time in case of delay.

Sometimes the clinic staff pays attention to patients who need urgent care. Please respect the work of veterinarians and keep calm.

2. Do not express concern.

Even if you are very worried about the health of the animal, do not show it. Your panic is not in her favor, it will only make the situation worse. The pet feels the emotions of the owner, and they, in addition to their own fear, and your mood is transmitted.

3. Keep the animal under control.

Dogs should be on a leash, cats should be carried on leashes, and birds and rodents should be kept in cages when they are in line and entering the doctor's office. It is better to transport parrots in the dark (to cover them) that they did not feel stress and if possible not in that cage in which your winged pet lives. Such measures allow to limit the contact between the pupils for their own safety, as well as the safety of all visitors and staff of the veterinary center.

4. Give the veterinarian the opportunity to approach the patient safely.

The aggression of our younger brothers in an unfamiliar environment is a normal reaction out of fear. But you are responsible for your pet's behavior. Soothe the animal so that it does not scratch, bite or try to escape. Talk to her, stroke her, put her favorite toy next to her, treat her to a delicacy. Veterinarians are good at handling animals, but they are not trainers.

Respect for the veterinarian is the key to a quick examination

The actions of medical staff should not be questioned or methods and treatment regimens that have nothing to do with evidence-based medicine should be imposed. Trust in a veterinarian is one of the most important components of successful treatment.

It is necessary to behave adequately, to be in a normal condition to explain to the veterinarian what worries the animal. Animal Clinic specialists may refuse to provide services due to non-compliance with these rules, drunken visits, obscene remarks and defiant behavior.

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