How to deliver a dog in labor?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Dog owners should be prepared for any unforeseen situations when their pet goes into labor. If, according to the diagnostic results, the puppies are developing correctly and the female feels well, the pregnancy is considered physiological.

When there are certain problems, such as a fever of up to 40 degrees, purulent or bloody vaginal discharge, lethargy, poor appetite, the pregnancy is pathological and you should see a veterinarian.

How does the breed affect the difficulty of childbirth?

Dogs often give birth without assistance. However, the presence of a veterinary obstetrician during childbirth is desirable if large puppies are expected. There are the following reasons for seeking medical assistance:

  • Fetal developmental disorders.
  • Fetal death in utero.
  • Weak contractions and pushing or their complete absence.
  • Inability of puppies to pass through the female's birth canal.

Complications are typical for such large breeds as Great Danes, Shepherds, Labradors, Bullmastiffs, St. Bernards. Usually, these dogs give birth to only a few puppies. Difficulties during childbirth are also possible in dogs of brachycephalic breeds, such as English and French bulldogs, pugs, due to their specific respiratory system.

How can you tell if a dog is about to give birth?

A few days before the birth, the dog's stomach drops. The animal becomes anxious. It tries to dig on the floor, demands human attention, or looks for a cozy place to hide. The dog may ask for food or refuse it. Before childbirth, the dog's body temperature drops to 37 or even 36.5 degrees.

What to prepare for childbirth?

Organize a cozy space for your pet where she can give birth to offspring. A good option is a large box with clean bedding, diapers, and your pet's favorite toys. Before giving birth, you should have the following things at hand:

  1. Clean towels or diapers.
  2. Antiseptic for hand washing.
  3. A hot water bottle.
  4. Brilliant green.
  5. Scales for weighing puppies.
  6. Sterilized scissors and sterile thread.

It is also important that you have the number of a veterinary clinic in your contact list. It is better to arrange with the veterinarian in advance to deliver the puppies if you want to maximize the safety of the dog and its future offspring.

Tips for delivering a dog

After washing your hands, receive the first puppy. Free it from the amniotic membrane. Then tie the umbilical cord with a thread and cut it a little higher. Treat the cut with brilliant green.

Gently wipe the puppy with a towel, remove mucus from its nose and mouth, and then put it next to its mother so that it starts sucking colostrum. Labor can last from 3 to 12 hours.

Not sure you can handle it on your own? Does something about the pregnant dog's condition confuse you? Be sure to contact Animal Clinic. Our team of veterinary obstetricians has extensive experience in delivering babies in dogs of various breeds in Kyiv and Kyiv region. We will professionally and carefully help your pet's offspring to be born.

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