How to deliver a baby of a cat?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Usually, it takes a day from the onset of labor to the birth of the last kitten, but in some cases, the process can take two days. Caregivers should carefully prepare for the birth of their pet. In this article, Animal Clinic specialists will tell you how to do it.

What to prepare for a pet's labor?

The main thing you should have at hand is the phone number of the veterinary clinic. Trouble can start at any time, so it's best to have your cat give birth under the supervision of a qualified veterinary obstetrician. It is important to prepare the following:

  • A spacious box with litter and clean, dry diapers. It will be a kind of nest.
  • A heating pad.
  • Sterile scissors, sterile thread, brilliant green.
  • A pipette and gauze.

The cat will instinctively understand how to act during labor. However, the guardians must be there to provide assistance or call a doctor at any time.

How do I know when a cat is about to give birth?

A few days before the expected event, your cat will start behaving unusually: hiding in nooks and crannies or asking for more of your attention and affection.

The cat's pronounced excitement is a signal that labor will begin soon. Carefully move your cat to a cozy box with textile utensils so that she can clean up and feel safe.

How does childbirth work?

When the mucus membrane is removed, the first kitten is born. The mother licks off the amniotic membrane, chews on the umbilical cord, and eats the placenta. At this time, a warm heating pad should be in the box to keep the kittens warm.

When all the kittens are born, transfer them to the cat. This will promote milk production and allow the kittens to start sucking colostrum faster. Next, replace the litter with clean litter and provide the cat family with peace and quiet.

What to do in difficult situations?

In many cases, caregivers can manage on their own. In case of prolonged contractions, gently but intensively stroke the cat's belly and back to activate the labor process.

If the mother did not take care of removing the amniotic fluid, gently wipe the kitten with gauze and clean the nose with a pipette or gauze tip so that the baby can breathe freely.

Did the cat chew on the umbilical cord? Tie the umbilical cord with a thread two centimeters from the kitten's tummy and cut it one centimeter higher. Treat the cut with brilliant green. Be sure to seek veterinary help in the following cases:

  1. Before giving birth, the female kitten has started to bleed.
  2. Labor lasts more than 6 hours.
  3. The kitten does not show for a long time or is stuck.
  4. The kitten is born but the litter is not.
  5. The offspring are lethargic, reluctant to eat.
  6. After giving birth, the cat started bleeding.
  7. The animal does not take care of the offspring.

Entrust the delivery to the obstetricians and gynecologists of Animal Clinic. We have everything you need for an urgent examination and emergency care to preserve the health and life of the mother cat and her offspring.

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