Should you mate or sterilize your pet?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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As a pet grows up, its owners face a difficult choice: to breed or sterilize. Many people decide to let their pets reproduce, arguing that it is natural, it is a pity to operate on the animal, and giving birth several times will only benefit it. However, it's not that simple. Let's take a closer look.

What is better for the animal's health?

We would like to point out right away that not every animal should be allowed to have offspring. Not all owners take their pets to the veterinarian before mating for preventive purposes. But it's a shame, because representatives of different breeds are prone to genetic diseases.

Ailments can also be acquired, such as urogenital infections, liver disorders, vascular and heart disease, urolithiasis, and others. Therefore, potential parents can pass on an unhealthy "inheritance" to their offspring. Mating, pregnancy, and childbirth can be associated with such problems:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases. For example, a dog can contract transmissible venereal sarcoma from a male dog, which leads to tumors, mainly on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Treatment includes surgery and chemotherapy.
  • Stress. During childbirth, a young female does not understand what is happening to her, she is afraid. If the fetuses are large or there is a weak labor activity, a cesarean section may be required. Anesthesia and surgery, not to mention gestation, are always a significant stress for the body.
  • Hormonal disruption. A dog that has already given birth at least once may have a false pregnancy after estrus. The female's mammary glands grow, she begins to arrange a place for the offspring, howl, and behave anxiously.
  • Consequences of lack of veterinary care. Unfortunately, not all owners take care of visiting a specialist during the animal's pregnancy. Due to neglect of determining the exact number of fetuses with the help of ultrasound, it may not be realized that not all the cubs were born. An unborn fetus or litter can cause uterine inflammation and sepsis.

Repeated pregnancies exhaust the cat's and dog's body, lead to premature aging, and shorten life expectancy. Both normal and complicated pregnancies require veterinary care.

What to do with the offspring?

It is probably not possible to give away all newborn kittens or puppies. Many people decide to throw away, abandon, or kill the offspring. The cruelty of people knows no bounds.

Do you plan to continue breeding animals? But do you realize that even if a new generation of dogs or cats belongs to a certain breed, it does not guarantee that they have breeding value?

Improving animal behavior after sterilization

Sterilization stops the production of sex hormones. As a result, the pet's behavior, which is so often annoying for owners, improves:

  • The dog stops pulling off the leash because it loses interest in the opposite sex. The dog does not try to fight with others to prove its superiority.
  • A cat or a cat does not meow as loudly and frequently as is typical for their period of sexual arousal.
  • The animal does not show aggression, becomes more affectionate and obedient.

Make the right choice: No matter how beautiful and intelligent your pet is, if it has no breeding value, it is better to sterilize it. Surgical intervention is not violence against nature, but a method of reconciling nature and living conditions.

Such a medical measure is completely humane both for a mature animal and its potential offspring. After all, it is better to let kittens or puppies not be born at all than to be abandoned or killed.

Still not sure what is best for your pet? Then visit a veterinarian for a consultation at the nearest branch of our Animal Clinic network of veterinary centers. Our specialist will individually approach the issue and help you weigh the pros and cons.

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