Spring exacerbation of chronic urinary system diseases in animals

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Recently, Animal Clinic has been receiving more and more patients with distinct manifestations of chronic urinary system diseases. This is not surprising, since diseases of this category are exacerbated in the spring. Here are the most common ones and how to help your pet.

Urolithiasis: causes of exacerbation and solutions

Chronic urolithiasis often worsens with the onset of spring. The reason for the increased manifestations can be cheap, low-quality food or excessive consumption of raw fish. The main symptoms are:

  • Frequent urination with small portions of urine.
  • Emitting complaining sounds during urination - in severe cases, with pain.

These signs indicate that you should contact your veterinarian for help. He or she will prescribe medications that will help keep urolithiasis under control. These can be feed additives, drops, or suspensions for the urinary system.

If you know that your pet has urolithiasis, proper nutrition, including special dry food, will help to avoid its exacerbation.

Spring exacerbation of cystitis

In spring, animals prepare for procreation. The impossibility of mating during the period of sexual activity provokes stress. Constant trips to the toilet in places not designated for this purpose are associated with a natural change in hormonal levels. Punishment for this will not have a positive effect on the animal, but will only increase stress, which is actually one of the factors of cystitis.

Stress stimulates the release of a significant amount of inflammatory mediators into the bloodstream. This causes spasm of the bladder and urethra. There is a frequent and painful urge to urinate, urine comes out in drops, sometimes with an admixture of blood. If you notice these signs, you should bring your pet to the nearest Animal Clinic branch in Kyiv or Kyiv region. There are several ways to curb the problem or even get rid of it completely:

  1. Drug therapy. However, you should understand that herbal medications may not have the desired effect, and hormonal medications often have a negative impact on the body.
  2. Coupling. This method is most suitable for professionals who breed purebred animals.
  3. Castration/sterilization is the best way in case of chronic cystitis. The operation will save you from such troubles as the sexual behavior of the animal, unwanted offspring, and a high risk of diseases associated with sex hormones.

A pet that has previously been diagnosed with urinary system disorders should be given sedatives prescribed by a veterinarian in the spring. It is also important to control his urination and monitor changes in urine tests.

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