Secrets of feline behavior

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Cats often behave strangely, as if they came to us from another planet. Time and time again, they make us marvel at their actions. Fortunately, many feline quirks can be explained. Read this article to the end to learn more about your pet.

Cats and hunting

Most feline habits surprise owners. But the behavior of pets is the result of centuries of evolution. In particular, this applies to their hunting abilities:

  • Twist the butt before the jump.

So the animal studies the surface, evaluates the adhesion to it and chooses a trajectory for the perfect jump. The game moment of such behavior also cannot be excluded.

  • They make strange noises and gnash their teeth while hunting.

You've probably noticed this when your pet has been watching the birds. Do not be afraid to hear the chirping of your cat - he copies the voice of prey. There is another opinion. The cat chirps so when an inaccessible bird is in his field of vision. He calls his brethren, telling them, "Here is a dove, catch it."

  • Share booty with you.

If you have a private home, don't be surprised if you ever find a lifeless bird or mouse in the yard. So cats thank humans for their care.

  • Attack the legs of the host.

Sitting in an ambush and a sharp attack - a favorite game at any age.

  • "Wrap" a bowl of food.

The cat tries to keep the "catch" for later, as if burying it. It can also signal that the pet is not happy with the proposed dish.

  • Climb to the highest objects in the house.

Sitting in a closet, a cat surveys its territory in search of prey - an echo of hunting instinct. However, your favorite vase may be damaged during such a guard, so we do not recommend placing objects that fight on open shelves.

Shaking his head, the cat leaves invisible marks of pheromones - declares you his property. He does the same with furniture. Before going to bed, cats turn around several times. This habit has remained since ancient times, when they were not domesticated by man. The animal checks whether it has chosen a safe place to sleep.

Cats hide in boxes, baskets and containers, even in those that are visually too small for them. It is an instinctive need to hide from danger, as do their fellow tribesmen in the wild. If my pet gives you his paws, he shows that he is comfortable in your company.

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