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Animal itching. Why it manifests itself, what to look for and how to treat it

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Itching is an acute reaction of the animal's body to a certain stimulus, which is manifested by an unpleasant tingling sensation and can occur in any part of the skin. Itching can be acute and chronic.

What causes itching?

The problem can occur both due to an external factor and due to a malfunction in the body. There are the following causes of itching:

  • External parasites. Different genera of mites cause skin diseases named after them: sarcoptic mange, demodicosis, cheilitis. Fleas, lice, insect lice, and midges also cause itching.
  • Skin infections: bacterial or fungal.
  • Allergies: atopy - to external factors, food allergy - to food components.
  • Hormonal disorders: pathologies of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.
  • Neurogenic factor. The main cause is nervous system disorders, pain, and itching is a secondary phenomenon. For example, a pet licks the joint area due to inflammation and pain. Or, for example, a cat licks only its belly. In this case, it is necessary not only to diagnose itching, but also to check for inflammatory processes in the urinary system.
  • Psychogenic. It is caused by the animal's stress. The pet is bored, experiencing a move, the arrival of a new family member, or the loss of its owner, and is frightened by loud noises.

Neurogenic and psychogenic pruritus are diagnoses of exclusion that require a longer diagnosis and examination by several specialists.

Why should I visit a veterinarian if I have itching symptoms?

The animal tries to relieve itching not only by scratching, but also by biting, licking, and rubbing against objects. You should pay attention to your pet's behavior: aggression, excitement, lethargy, or impatience may occur, which is uncharacteristic of a hiding place.

If you notice such manifestations, you should consult a veterinarian. First, the animal is anxious, and sometimes the itching is so severe that it cannot eat or sleep in peace. Secondly, when combing with claws, the pet injures the skin, which leads to infection, additional complications, and even longer diagnosis and treatment.

Identifying the cause and treating itching

Before visiting the doctor, do not treat your pet with any spray, ointment, or shampoo so that the specialist can properly assess the skin condition and select the appropriate diagnosis. It consists of the following measures:

  1. A wet paper test to detect fleas and flea feces. Many pet owners do not even suspect the presence of these parasites in their pets because it is very difficult to notice them. An allergic reaction often occurs to flea saliva.
  2. Scrapings: superficial and deep - to detect ticks that cause demodicosis, sarcoptic mange, and notoedema.
  3. Scotch test - to detect pathogens of cheilitis, lice and lice.
  4. Cytological examination of the skin - to detect malassezia, oncological or atypical skin cells.
  5. Mycological or bacteriological examination - to detect pathogenic skin microflora of fungal or bacterial origin.
  6. Allergen testing.

Treatment is selected in accordance with the found cause. If the cause of the itching is external parasites, the pet's skin is treated against them, and local and systemic therapy is used.

If the cause is a skin infection, the patient needs antifungal or antibacterial therapy. Is the itching caused by a food allergy? In this case, the allergen is excluded from the diet, and if it is contact (atopy), itch suppressant drugs and topical treatments are used.

If the itching is caused by a neurogenic factor, veterinarians identify the cause of the pain, apply therapy according to the specifics of the underlying problem, and use painkillers.

In case of a psychogenic cause of itching, treatment consists of taking sedatives and creating favorable conditions for the animal.

As you have already understood, there are many causes of itching, not just allergies, as many people believe. Come for an appointment at Animal Clinic. Here, a dermatologist will find the source of the problem and help your pet.

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