Foreign body inside the animal: will the surgeon prescribe surgery?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Pets often chew on various objects and, when they are unable to spit them out, swallow them. Cats play with balls of thread and Christmas tree sprinkles. It is very important that if you see a thread sticking out of your pet's mouth, you should never pull it, as there is a risk of damaging the cat's internal organs. Dogs often enjoy chewing on small rubber toys, balls, and other things.

If you notice that your pet has swallowed something inedible or you think that there is a foreign object inside the animal due to vomiting, refusal to eat, and lack of feces, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. It is best to remove the object from the patient's body within the first 6 hours to avoid any disastrous consequences.

If a foreign body is found inside the animal, the surgeon will prescribe X-rays and abdominal ultrasound to determine the location of the object. The treatment method is chosen depending on the location, size, and material of the object:

  • Some small foreign bodies come out on their own. The veterinarian prescribes symptomatic therapy. This option is possible if intestinal motility is normal.
  • An object of small size or something made of soft material can be removed from the esophagus or stomach with an endoscope. The surgeon will perform a minimally invasive operation by inserting a miniature device through the mouth: a camera gripper.
  • If a foreign body is stuck in the stomach or intestines, an enterotomy or gastrotomy may be prescribed. During the surgery, the organ wall is cut, the object is removed, and the wall is sutured. If intestinal necrosis develops, the affected part is removed.

Due to the prolonged presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract, a pocket may form in the esophageal wall, traumatic gastritis or enteritis, necrosis may develop, the intestine may rupture, and one part of the intestine may enter another. Fatalities are possible. The risk of complications is the main reason not to delay, but to entrust your pet to an experienced surgeon at Animal Clinic as soon as possible.

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