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- How much does an animal need to drink in the heat?
How much does an animal need to drink in the heat?

Each animal needs a different amount of water per day, and with rising temperatures, thirst may be a little higher, so you need to make sure that your pet has fresh, clean water available at all times.
Does the cat drink a lot in summer?
Cats are heat-loving animals, but they don't like the heat, and they can get sick, especially cats that are old, have cardiovascular disease, or are overweight.
Feline thermoregulation differs from human thermoregulation: the sweat glands of furry animals (hairless animals are an exception) do not function fully, which means that the body does not cool down properly. Nevertheless, cats adapt to rising air temperatures in their own way, including eating less and drinking more. In general, the following features of a cat's drinking water needs in summer should be kept in mind:
- The average daily water intake is 40 ml per 1 kg of animal weight.
- When eating dry food, the cat drinks more.
- Less water is needed if the cat eats wet food.
Consider the air temperature and humidity level at home, as well as how active the cat is and whether it has any medical conditions. Put an extra bowl near where your cat most often rests when it's hot, change the water daily, or get an automatic waterer.
How much water does a dog need in the summer?
During the heat of the day, dogs are regularly thirsty. The animal's body regulates how much water it needs to consume at a given time. This is influenced by air temperature, intensity of physical activity, diet, etc. Typically, a dog needs 20-70 ml of water per 1 kg of weight per day. Ideally, the animal should always have access to fresh water to drink to its heart's content.
Remember to take a water bottle and a bowl with you for long walks. In no case should you let your dog quench his thirst with liquid from puddles, ponds, or fountains, as the environment, especially in urban areas, contains many dangerous microorganisms and substances.
How much should other pets drink in the summer?
Birds, rodents and hares have individual water needs. Animal Clinic specialists told us about the summer fluid intake of the most popular pets for keeping at home:
- Parrot. The water in the bird's drinker should be changed daily, and in the heat, preferably 2 times a day. Freshly squeezed citrus juice is also good for parrots, and can be diluted with water. A parrot needs 3-5% of its body weight in water.
- Hamster. The animal needs 5-10 ml of water per day. When feeding vegetables, herbs, and fruits, a little less, because this food is juicy.
- Rabbits. They do not feel well in the heat, so to protect them from dehydration and heat stroke, they should be offered a lot of water - 0.25 liters per day.
Do you have any questions about keeping your pet? Contact an Animal Clinic veterinarian for advice. The service is provided both in person and online.