What awaits the guardian if his dog gives birth to puppies?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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The appearance of offspring in your pet is a joyful moment, especially if you were planning to breed dogs. However, the period when puppies are still very young is a very responsible one. The guardian should monitor the hygiene and health of the kids.

Feeding is an important condition for the growth of strong puppies

Sometimes it happens that a female does not feed her offspring. Natural feeding is possible by another bitch who has recently given birth. However, if she can't be found, the task of providing the kids with proper nutrition falls on the owner.

It is important to learn that newborn puppies should not have long (more than an hour) breaks between feedings. You should not feed a newborn dog in your arms. It is better to have it on its tummy. Milk should be given in a slow stream so that the puppy does not choke. It is better to use a baby bottle. The following schedule should be followed:

  • In the first 2 days of life, the puppy should be fed every 30-50 minutes.
  • Then, during the first week, milk should be given at intervals of 2-3 hours.
  • In the second and third weeks, you should feed every 4 hours. When the puppies reach the age of three weeks, soaked dry puppy food should be introduced into their diet.
  • Then, until they are 2 months old, give milk every 4-5 hours.

There should be enough milk and it should be suitable in composition. The most similar to bitch's milk is sheep's and goat's milk. You can also buy a balanced formula at a veterinary pharmacy.

Caring for puppies

When artificially feeding, the mother may refuse to lick the baby. However, this process plays an important role in emptying the bladder and intestines, as puppies do not have reflexes responsible for the release of waste until they are 10 days old.

Therefore, the guardian should massage the tummy. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad with warm water and gently move it over the puppy's tummy and anus until it defecates.

Newborn puppies have no thermoregulation. If the mother is constantly near them, they will freeze. In the first 2 days of life, hypothermia can be fatal for babies.

You can place the puppies in a box so that there is no draft. In the first week, the temperature in this place should be 27-30 degrees, for the next 3-4 weeks - about 25 degrees, and then, by the age of 6 weeks - about 21 degrees. The temperature can be maintained with a heating pad or heat lamp.

Prevention of worming in puppies and vaccination

The first deworming is carried out at two weeks of age. This is a necessary measure even for those puppies who have not yet been outside, because worming can occur even in utero, during childbirth and during feeding.

Remember that at the age of 4-8 weeks, the dog should be vaccinated for the first time with a complex drug. For this, 10 days should pass after deworming. The second vaccination is performed in 3-4 weeks.

The specialists of our network of veterinary centers Animal Clinic are always ready to help you go through this difficult path of caring for your dog's offspring. If you need a consultation, please contact us. Experienced veterinarians will give you useful advice. When the puppies are old enough for deworming and vaccination, we will be happy to carry out these procedures safely for the puppies.

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