Rules for mating dogs

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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When planning to breed your dog, it is important to determine whether it has breeding value. The female's guardians must decide whether the dog is an ideal representative of the breed. In addition, they should be prepared to spend not only time and effort caring for their pet, but also a significant amount of money on the maintenance of the female and her offspring.

The preparatory stage

Due to home keeping, female cats go into heat twice a year: in spring and autumn. It is best to organize mating in the spring, because the offspring will be born in the summer and will grow up strong and healthy. This is especially important if the animal lives in an outdoor enclosure. However, if the female is kept at home, mating is also possible in the fall.

Having chosen the time of year, a month before the expected estrus, the couple is brought to the veterinarian, who assesses the condition of the wards and makes appropriate prescriptions, including the following:

  • Diagnostics.
  • Diet.
  • A set of exercises.
  • Treatment.

2 weeks before the start of estrus, both future parents are treated for internal and external parasites. After that, routine vaccination is carried out if the due date is approaching.

How do I know if a female is ready to mate?

The estrus has 4 phases, the main one being estrus: the discharge becomes lighter in color. The hormone progesterone is responsible for this stage: ovulation occurs, i.e. the release of eggs from the follicles. At this time, the bitch is completely ready to mate, and it is best to choose the first 3 days of ovulation for this. After the first mating, we recommend repeating the mating in a couple of days so that more eggs meet sperm, which is a chance to increase the number of puppies.

Top tips for the mating process

Usually, animals don't need to be urged to act. If you leave the dogs together, the male dog will immediately start courting the female. But we recommend that you follow these tips:

  1. Plan the mating on the male's territory - this way he will feel calmer and more confident.
  2. Make an appointment for the morning. The best time is after a morning walk.
  3. Do not feed your pets before the meeting.
  4. Bring a muzzle for the female, as she may start to behave aggressively towards her partner.
  5. Help the animals if the female is not in the mood for mating. The female's guardian should hold her by the neck, and the male's guardian should hold him by the stomach, without forcing him, so as not to frighten him.

Don't be surprised if after mating, the animals remain connected for some time - this is a nuance of dog physiology. Do not separate them, as this will injure the genitals.

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