Rules for mating cats

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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The main sign of a cat's readiness to mate is her affectionate behavior: she purrs a lot, rubs against furniture and walls. Sometimes during heat, females lose their appetite and urinate more frequently.

Important points of mating cats

The first mating can be done from the age of one and a half years or during the third heat. If you dream of beautiful and healthy offspring, you should follow these rules:

  • Choose a cat for mating before the cat reaches the age of estrus. It should be a male of a breed approved for crossbreeding.
  • Test the cat and the cat for viral immunodeficiency and viral leukemia one month before mating. Both should also be treated for external and internal parasites and vaccinated.
  • Do not give your pet hormonal drugs before mating, as they can provoke complications.
  • Do not bathe the cat 2 weeks before the expected event so that she retains a characteristic odor that is attractive to the male.
  • Trim the cats' claws to prevent mutual scratching.
  • Schedule a mating in the place where the cat lives.
  • Take the things familiar to the cat: litter box, food, and bowl.

It is worth discussing in advance all the conditions of the cat's stay in the cat's territory. Wait until the female has been in heat for 3 days before bringing her to the male. At the moment of acquaintance, the cat will begin to court his partner: he will sniff her and purr loudly.

If the cat hisses and chases the male away, don't worry, it's part of the ritual. When the cat moves away, the female starts purring and flirting attractively, and when he approaches, she runs away again, and this can go on for several hours.

Then the male grabs the cat by the scruff of the neck and starts stomping on it. If the female partner doesn't mind, she moves her tail to the side and presses herself to the floor. The mating process is quite fast, lasting a maximum of 4 minutes.

Features of the cat's behavior after mating

After mating, the cat does not immediately calm down. She may be anxious for some time, looking for the cat, even when she is already at home. Other behaviors are also possible: refusal to eat and prolonged sleep. After a few days, the female becomes calm as her hormonal levels normalize.

If the pregnancy went well and the offspring were born, you should make sure that the cat feeds them. Did you have any difficulties during pregnancy, need help during labor, or is your cat unwell after giving birth? Be sure to contact Animal Clinic's obstetricians and gynecologists.

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