Common inflammatory diseases

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Animal Clinic specialists are contacted daily by owners whose pets began to feel unwell. After examination, our veterinarians in Kyiv often diagnose inflammatory diseases. Read about the most common diseases of this group and why they occur in this article.

Inflammatory ENT diseases

Most often, our professionals record ENT diseases in animals, that is, the patient has problems with the ears, nose or throat:

  • Bronchitis and tracheitis.
    Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea, provoked by hypothermia, virus, bacteria, parasite, lack of vitamins or inhalation of irritants, such as tobacco smoke or air freshener. It manifests as a dry or wet cough that worsens after exercise or when the leash is pulled.
  • Rhinitis.
    Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Accompanied by liquid, mucous, purulent or bloody nasal discharge. If only one side is problematic, the cause is probably an injury, foreign object or tumor.
  • Pharyngitis.
    Inflammation of the tissues of the soft palate, pharynx, mucous membranes, muscles and pharyngeal lymph nodes. It occurs due to colds, cold food and water, low immunity, burns of the mucous membrane, injuries when chewing bones or foreign objects. The pet feels pain when swallowing, so it refuses to eat, may cough. The temperature rises either of the whole body or only in the throat area. In severe cases, purulent inflammation, pneumonia, sepsis, bronchopneumonia may develop.
  • Otitis media.
    Inflammation of one or both ears due to changes in the microflora or skin damage with subsequent infection with pathogenic bacteria or fungi; general decrease in the body's defenses; allergy to food; ear mite infestation; improper ear cleaning or frequent bathing. The consequence of otitis can be excessive wax in the ear canal and sour smell from it. The animal tilts its head to the side, scratches the ear with its paw.

Our veterinarian-otolaryngologist in Kyiv will help to cope with the problems.

Other inflammatory diseases

Among other diseases, the essence of which is inflammation, we can name lymphadenitis - inflammation of the lymph nodes. It can be specific, developing in a certain disease, for example, salmonellosis, tuberculosis or plague. It can also be nonspecific: lymph nodes become enlarged and painful, the pet feels unwell, refuses to eat, and the temperature rises. The phenomenon is possible with allergies or minor inflammatory processes due to injuries or dental problems.

Owners of dogs and cats often come to our branches with swelling in the anus area. This is paraanal sinusitis - inflammation of the anal glands caused by impaired release of their secretion. The pet may unsuccessfully try to go to the toilet in a big way and make whimpering sounds during this process, as it feels pain. A couple of other characteristic signs of the problem: the animal rides its ass on the floor or nervously licks the disturbing place because of itching. Timely cleaning of the paraanal glands is important to prevent complications.

Annual examination by a veterinarian is the best prevention of serious problems with the pet's body. Animal Clinic is always ready to help your pets recover.

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