Common diagnoses of the organ of vision at Animal Clinic

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Eyes are a very sensitive organ. It is not surprising that it is too susceptible to the external environment, various pathogens, as well as incredibly delicate and easily damaged. The cause of the disease can be infection, improper housing conditions, careless handling of the pet, heredity, metabolic disorders.

Inflammatory eye diseases

Most often, the inflammatory nature of the disease is determined in Animal Clinic branches after the necessary examinations. The most common are the following diagnoses:

  • Corneal ulcer.

A defect of the corneal epithelium accompanied by inflammation. The cause can be infection with a virus, bacteria, fungus or acanthamoeba - such organisms that live in soil, fresh and salt water bodies.
An ulcer can occur due to mechanical damage to the eye or a violation of trophism (a complex of cellular nutrition processes). If the inflammation is not eliminated, it can provoke corneal necrosis.

  • Conjunctivitis.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva) that lines the inner surface of the eyelids and extends to the eyeball. It serves as a protective barrier preventing contact of the cornea with the environment. When this barrier is broken, the pathogenic microflora lurking in the conjunctival sac actively begins to multiply, causing inflammation.
Conjunctivitis can spread to one or both eyes at once. The form of the disease is acute if the eye is injured by something. Or chronic - in the case of a congenital anomaly of the eyelid, when the eyelashes grow in such a way that they scratch the cornea. In the absence of treatment, the purulent-mucous mixture accumulates in the folds of the inner corner of the eye, and then drains onto the skin, which causes irritation and hair loss around the eyes.

Corneal injury

Another common diagnosis made by our specialists. The cornea can be damaged in different ways:

  • Mechanical: a foreign object, for example, a branch or even a grain of sand; claw etc.
  • Chemical: getting drops of acids or alkalis into the eye.
  • Thermal: there is a change in the cellular structure of the cornea upon contact with a heat source and even heated air.
  • Radiant: due to very bright light, electric, magnetic or radiation waves.

Animals, especially dogs and cats, often look intently at people. Considering the prevalence and seriousness of problems with the organs of vision, owners should take an example from their pets more often: look into their eyes.

Carefully examine the eyeballs for changes and do not ignore alarm signals: lacrimation, strange secretions, redness, loss of former shine. If you notice such signs, consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. At Animal Clinic, an experienced veterinarian-ophthalmologist will help your pet.

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