Advantages of endoscopic diagnosis and surgery

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Animal Clinic is one of the few veterinary clinics in Kyiv with a special endoscopic stand. Using this equipment, our veterinarians perform diagnostics, clarify the results of other studies, as well as perform minimally invasive surgery.

The endoscope makes it possible to examine the structures and tissues of the animal's body in as much detail as conventional research methods do. That is why endoscopic examination and surgery are recognized as the most effective ways to diagnose and treat various pathological processes in the body.

Endoscopic diagnosis

Endodiagnostics has significant advantages over other methods of studying the animal's body, because it allows:

  • Examine pathological tissues that will not be visible using standard methods.
  • To see a foreign body in the organ of the digestive tract, which was swallowed by a pet. For example, a piece of cloth or a soft toy, thread or needle may be non-radiopaque, but they are clearly visible thanks to the endoscope camera.
  • Take the tissue from the suspicious area for further examination.
  • Choose the right treatment tactics. Some animal health problems can be treated with medication, others with surgery, and still others with a minimally invasive method — endoscopic surgery.

Endoscopic diagnosis provides the veterinarian with the most accurate data about the test site.

Endoscope surgery

Endoscopic surgical procedures - a range of minimally invasive operations. If it is possible to operate on a patient not in an open way, but with minimal intervention in the body, our veterinarians in Kiev choose endoscopic surgery because it is easier to tolerate by the animal:

  • Provides a short period of rehabilitation.
  • There will be no pus or scars after the operation.
  • The animal will be able to move independently soon after the procedure.

Thanks to the presence of an endoscopic rack in the veterinary center, Animal Clinic professionals quickly recognize and remove foreign bodies, urinary stones, polyps and so on from the animal's body.

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