Blood transfusion to animals (hemotransfusion)

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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In case of serious health problems, your pet may need a hemotransfusion - a blood transfusion. This is a type of infusion therapy that involves the transfusion of whole blood or its individual components from a donor animal to a recipient animal.

Indications for blood transfusion in animals

Hemotransfusion is a serious intervention in the patient's body. If it is possible to effectively treat a dog or cat without a blood transfusion, our veterinarians use this chance and do not use hemotransfusion. However, there are still indications when this complex procedure is inevitable:

  • Significant blood loss. During surgery, due to injury or rupture of an internal organ.
  • Viral infections: panleukopenia, viral leukemia, parvovirus enteritis, feline immunodeficiency.
  • Acute hemolytic anemia. It can be triggered by pyroplasmosis, hemobartonellosis, or poisoning with substances that cause red blood cell destruction.
  • Chronic anemia with a percentage of blood cells below 12-15%.
  • Coagulation disorders - hereditary or acquired (as a result of radiation or chemotherapy; poisoning with substances that reduce blood clotting, such as rat poison).
  • Decreased platelet or white blood cell count.

Blood transfusions for cats and dogs are prescribed based on hemoglobin and hematocrit values. It also takes into account how hard the animal tolerates a decrease in the level of these components.

Blood transfusion for cats and dogs in Kyiv and the region

Sometimes hemotransfusion is the only way to save a patient's life. That is why the procedure is included in the list of services of Animal Clinic branches. There are many reasons to entrust the process of hemotransfusion to the veterinarians of our veterinary clinic:

  1. Comprehensive consideration and rational assessment of the indications for the procedure.
  2. Perfect application of knowledge about the shelf life of blood before transfusion, as well as its properties.
  3. Responsible attitude to the preparation process.
  4. Professional performance of blood, plasma or red blood cell transfusion.
  5. Strict adherence to the transfusion technique.
  6. Monitoring the patient's condition during the transfusion, as well as during the first hours after the procedure. Veterinarians assess how the animal's body reacted to the transfusion. The pulse, body temperature, respiratory and heart rate, color of the mucous membranes, and capillary filling rate are analyzed.

The sterile conditions of the procedure, qualified and caring staff contribute to the safe and effective implementation of the procedure. You can also donate at our veterinary clinics by appointment

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