Cat asthma: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Cat asthma is a chronic disease of the lower respiratory tract. The reason is the presence of an allergen that causes narrowing of the bronchioles. This factor can be tray filler dust, worms, aerosol, perfume, pollen, tobacco smoke.

How to diagnose asthma in cats?

The symptoms can be different. Some animals cough regularly, others - attacks, with vomiting and coughing up foam. Common features are:

  • cough;
  • wheeze;
  • breathing through the mouth, difficult, accelerated;
  • sitting position: the pet is tilted, legs bent and slightly set aside, neck extended.

Without examination, asthma can be confused with bronchitis, pneumonia, and heart problems. Also, such symptoms are detected in the presence of a foreign object in the airways. That is why the diagnosis of asthma is important: chest X-ray, bronchoscopy. Asthma is confirmed by an enhanced pattern of the bronchi, as well as changes at the cellular level: an increased content of leukocytes that fight allergens.

Treatment of feline asthma

The disease is progressive. Without proper treatment, coughing fits can become more protracted. Running cases are characterized by respiratory failure that threatens the life of the pet.

There is no way to completely rid your pet of the disease. But the right therapy will significantly facilitate the life of the animal. Do not delay a visit to the vet to give the cat a chance at longevity. Corticosteroids in the form of inhalations, injections or tablets are used in the treatment of asthma. The veterinarian may prescribe an aerosol that expands the airways.

Has your four-legged friend had an asthma attack? He needs fresh air! Give medication prescribed by a veterinarian. If your pet is still ill, hurry to see a specialist. Addresses of our veterinary clinics:

  1. Kyiv, street Prince Zaton, 9.
  2. Kyiv region, Borova township, street Ivan Franko, 5/2.
  3. Kyiv region, village Sofiyivska Borshchahivka, street Bogolyubova, 44 - works around the clock.

At the Animal Clinic branch, doctors will perform the necessary examinations, find out the probable cause of asthma and tell you which drugs and in what dosage will help the cat.

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