Childbirth care for dogs and cats: types and how does it work?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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At Animal Clinic, obstetricians provide professional assistance during childbirth. It consists of the following stages:

  • Removal of the fetus.
  • Cleaning of afterbirth.
  • Cutting the umbilical cord.
  • Improving blood circulation in the cubs: rubbing and helping to open the lungs.

If you want the birth of kittens or puppies to go smoothly, without unnecessary stress for you and your pet, it is better to contact the veterinary center right away.

Stimulation therapy

If the patient is weakened or giving birth for the first time, uterine atony (labor weakness) may occur, which means a decrease in the intensity or complete cessation of pushing and contractions. When this happens, and the cervix is already open, the veterinarian decides on medical obstetric care.

Medications are administered intravenously to increase the tone and contractility of the myometrium, as well as to promote the advancement of the fetus. To do this, an intravenous catheter is inserted into the cat or dog, and the substances in an individually selected dosage are administered using a dropper.

Contraindications to the use of stimulation therapy during labor are a large fetus, its incorrect position, developmental anomaly, narrow female pelvis, and twisting of the uterine horn.

Manual assistance to a female during labor

There is also manual assistance to animals during childbirth. This method is relevant when the labor is not complicated. The veterinarian performs a massage that helps the animal during labor. This method requires high qualifications. If the cat or dog's guardian does the massage himself, there is a risk of injuring the birth canal or even killing the fetus.

Cesarean section for animals

If the pregnancy is multiple, there is no labor activity, neither medication nor manual intervention has yielded results, or the fetus has died, a cesarean section is required.

This is surgical assistance during childbirth. It involves the administration of sedatives, putting the patient to sleep, and anesthesia. It is absolutely safe for both the fetus and the female. She will wake up quickly after anesthesia and be ready for the first feeding of the cubs.

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