Why does a pet eat less in summer?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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When it's hot outside, pets become more indifferent to food and drink water more often. The Animal Clinic team invites you to use this article to find out what reasons, in addition to rising air temperatures, can reduce an animal's appetite in summer and whether it is necessary to awaken it.

Heat as a factor in eating less food

Cats and dogs are less likely to approach the food bowl because they feel climate change and suffer just like humans. For example, the digestive system of cats is negatively affected by heat, so they prefer to eat in the morning and evening when the air is cool.

What should you do in this case? Don't worry that the animal is not getting the required amount of nutrients. Don't force your pet to eat more by offering it a variety of treats. It is enough to put bowls of clean water in the places where the pet most often rests so that it can drink enough and refresh itself.

Other problems that can negatively affect appetite

The pet may not be interested in its usual food due to psychological problems. The animal eats less or temporarily does not eat at all if it is experiencing stress or a traumatic event. These include:

  • Being in an unfamiliar environment. For example, you went on vacation and your cat was temporarily taken to friends or relatives. A worried animal may not eat for several days.
  • The arrival of another pet or child in the house.
  • Loud, frightening sounds.

If none of the above reasons apply to your situation, you should consider whether the animal's health is in order. Heat stroke is a common occurrence in summer. It can be suspected if, in addition to reduced appetite, there is shortness of breath, vomiting, and diarrhea.

However, a certain disease may also be a factor. To check the state of your pet's body, visit the nearest Animal Clinic branch in Kyiv or Kyiv region. We will help you keep your pet healthy.

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