Why does a pet go bald?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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A healthy animal has a beautiful and shiny coat. A few hairs fall out every day, and during molting, in large quantities. If bald patches appear, this is alopecia, which is a pathological hair loss.

There is no universal answer to the question: "Why is the animal balding?". Alopecia can be due to various causes that only an experienced veterinarian can determine.

Causes of baldness in cats and dogs

The factors that cause abundant hair loss and the formation of bald patches are divided into dermatological ailments and disorders of the body. A cat or dog can go bald for the following reasons:

  • Fungal infection, such as mange or trichophytosis.
  • Skin parasites.
  • Dermatitis of various types.
  • Seborrhea.

All these pathologies are perfectly diagnosed and treated by a dermatologist. If you consult a specialist as soon as you discover the problem, your pet will soon begin to recover. Baldness is also often the result of disorders in the body's systems:

  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Experienced stress.
  • Dysfunction of the sebaceous glands.
  • Allergic reaction to care products, food, insect bite.
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  • Oncology.
  • Disease of the blood.
  • Difficult childbirth.

If you notice intense hair loss, you should take your pet to a veterinary clinic. The source of the problem will be determined by the veterinarian after interviewing the owner and conducting tests.

How does alopecia occur in different pathologies?

After experiencing stress, a pet can tear out its hair in patches. This usually affects the genital area, abdomen, and inner thigh. The back is the most affected by nervous shock.

In case of endocrine disorders, hair loss is usually less on the bridge of the nose, neck and under it, thighs, and at the base of the tail. A characteristic feature is that the skin becomes dry and wrinkled.

The development of an oncological disease may be indicated by a sharp baldness in the area, and then the neck. If the animal's skin is affected by a fungus, the bare areas appear asymmetrically, and the skin is inflamed, covered with ulcers and crusts. With a lack of vitamin A, hairless areas are also formed, where the skin becomes a deep pink color.

Self-treatment can be not only a waste of money, but also a harmful intervention. Whereas qualified veterinary care ensures optimal diagnostic accuracy and properly selected therapy.

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