Why is a cat or dog so sluggish: a neurologist is needed

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Animal sluggishness is a common symptom of disorders in the body. It can be triggered by parasites, swallowed foreign bodies, dehydration, and complications after surgery. But quite often pets are lethargic due to factors that negatively affect the nervous system:

  • Stress. Moving, a new owner, the arrival of another pet, and a sudden change in diet can cause mental distress. Usually, when the caregiver starts paying more attention to the cat or dog, the stress goes away.
  • Poisoning. Trembling, loud, labored breathing, vomiting, or diarrhea combined with lethargy are signs of poisoning. The reaction can be to psychostimulant drugs or the juice of a houseplant. The toxin depresses the nervous system. Poisoning can be fatal to your pet. Emergency veterinary care is required - gastric lavage.
  • Brain injury or ischemia. The animal may move in a circle in the direction of the lesion.
  • Oncology. Animal fatigue, refusal to eat, rapid weight loss, and mournful sounds can be symptoms of a tumor.

Animal Clinic doctors will help you find out the exact cause of lethargy. Most likely, your four-legged friend needs a neurologist, because the problem is related to the nervous system. The neurologist will determine the exact cause of lethargy and choose the appropriate treatment.

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