How to treat a pet for fleas, ticks and worms?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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External and internal parasites are not only a source of discomfort for the animal and its guardian, but also carriers of serious diseases. Prevention and timely treatment of your pet is an effective way to keep it healthy.

Flea products: features and benefits

Drops are one way to get rid of ectoparasites and prevent re-infestation. Insecticides spread over the skin surface during the day, are absorbed into the blood plasma and slowly released from it within a month, repelling (or killing) fleas by affecting their central nervous system. The drops have a number of advantages:

  • Ease of use. Usually, the bottle is supplemented with a pipette. The product is applied to the skin in the withers and shoulder blades.
  • Long-term action. The effect lasts for a month.
  • Versatility. There are complex drops that protect the animal not only from fleas, but also from ticks and worms.

The volume of the solution to be applied depends on the age and weight of the pet. Refer to the dosage indicated on the package. The drops are harmless to the pet, but individual intolerance cannot be ruled out.

A collar impregnated with a repellent has an odor that parasites cannot stand. It repels fleas, lice, Ixodes and scabies ticks, but does not kill them. We recommend using the collar as a preventive measure when fleas have already been eliminated by more powerful antiparasitic drugs. The accessory is waterproof, so you can keep it on while bathing.

The solution that impregnates the flea collar is effective for 5 months - this is the desired period of use. If your pet has scratched its neck area, it is better to wait until the wounds heal and only then put on the collar to avoid allergies. Do not wear such a collar on a female that is pregnant or nursing.

Tablets. They are used in case of infestations (against fleas, worms, ticks). If the animal has skin injuries, it is better to give pills so as not to further injure it with drops or a collar.

There are special shampoos for flea control. These products have a mild effect and low toxicity, so they are suitable even for pregnant females, puppies, kittens, and animals with individual intolerance to insecticides.

How to protect your pet from ticks?

As you already know, tick drops are used against ticks (subcutaneous and Ixodes). Another product applied to the coat is a spray. It is suitable for additional short-term protection: during a walk or outdoor recreation.

Alternatively, you can use tablets. Once in the stomach, their composition begins to be absorbed into the bloodstream and is activated at the moment of a bite. The advantages of tablets are their fast action and the inability to wash them off with water.

Products against worms

There is a whole range of anthelmintic drugs to combat worms. They are given to the animal twice: with an interval of 10-14 days, since a single dose eliminates only adult parasites, but not their eggs. For prevention purposes, animals under one year old are given the drug once a month, and after one year - once every 3 months.

There are tablets, drops on the withers, pastes, syrups, and solutions. Choose the appropriate option based on the type, weight, age, health status of the pet, and ease of use. In case of large-scale worming, the drug should be administered under veterinary supervision.

Would you like to consult a specialist about treating your pet for external and internal parasites? Contact Animal Clinic!

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